parenting personal stories

Exciting things are happening around these parts…

Exciting things are happening around these parts, not that we need anymore excitement as we speed towards our wedding day, mostly unprepared. Time is flying by fast right now!

Anyway, on to the excitement to share… Last night Adalyn slept in her toddler bed, we spent the day converting her crib to the toddler bed. Both Everly and Adalyn were very excited about the change but it’s always interesting to see just how the newfound independence will be put to use. Will they be up all night coming in and out of their room? Will they just play with toys all night and fall asleep on the bedroom floor, etc…

Last night, we seriously lucked out. It was smooth sailing all the way, totally unexpected! First Everly took herself to the couch to lay and watch some TV after she scarfed her dinner (we were all still eating) but she passed out. Adalyn and I read a story, she nursed then I sang her bedtime song and laid her in her new bed.

Adalyn didn’t flinch at being laid down in her newly reconfigured bed and she went right to sleep. Nathan successfully carried Everly to her bed from the couch while she remained asleep. So we tucked Everly in quietly and tip-toed out of the room hoping the smooth start to the night didn’t mean a long and drama filled middle of the night.

Amazingly, they both slept right through the night with no issues and they weren’t even up super early this morning. I’m not sure what we did to deserve such a gift but I’m very proud of my girls and super thankful. My fingers are crossed for more smooth sleep times in the future.

Our other somewhat exciting news is we went ahead and took steps for a pre-approval on a little farm we had been looking at and we got the green light to move forward with making an offer. We have much to weigh and to negotiate and we’ll need to sell this place ASAP but the prospects are exciting.



A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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