recommendations technology wishes

A holiday wish and a tattoo.

I am addicted to digital photography! I take way to many photos and even had to buy an external hard drive to store all my photos! I am hoping for a new digital camera or camcorder this holiday season.

I specifically need a digital camera that allows me to change the lens for different types of photos. I really want to be able to shoot macro shots and other close ups on things. I already have a digital camera and I take many photos of the pets and of the garden. It’s nice to be able to capture those special moments! Like this one where my brother is wearing my mom’s sweater (because he is cold) while he is watching me get my first tattoo that my other brother was giving me.


I found another photo that made me laugh so hard when I looked at it. This one is also during the tattoo process.. I was drinking Southern Comfort directly from the bottle a bit and looked very silly, I am wearing mom’s sweater now! It was cold and I was a drunkard.


My tattoo was supposed to be a small star (all us siblings were going to have stars tattooed on us) but the needle broke during the tattoo process. Here is what my finished tattoo looks like, it is a line not a star.

I always take the memorable photos and make a photo collage or a scrapbooking page to give as a gift to those who were in the photo. Memories are great gifts especially when you capture priceless ones! My current digital camera is great and it has captured many fun photos and movies but I am ready for an upgrade maybe a digital SLR camera with some lenses or a nice camcorder that can hook up to the computer! Wink wink…

Here are some videos from the weekend! A video of a chicken pecking my butt at the ranch the day before I got my tattoo and a video of my brother tatooing himself… Enjoy!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “A holiday wish and a tattoo.

  1. Your tattoo reminds me of the show “Friends”. Where phoebe got a “dot” tattoo on her foot just like you. She told everyone it’s “the earth from really REALLY far away”.

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