Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

And we're outta here…

We picked up the moving truck and hit some grocery sales today. I am pretty pleased to have gotten a rack of pork ribs, 2 big packages of steak and 3 jars of kraft BBQ sauce all for under $30!

I’ve taken to selectively shopping for what we need. We’ll go to one store and get ribs for cheap then we get the milk at another store and so on. Means hitting more stores and longer time spend shopping but when you shave like $100 off the biweekly grocery bill doing this it totally is worth it. I mean Kraft BBQ sauce for .69 cents each and pork ribs for under $2.00 a pound, too good to pass up!

Yesterday was my 29 week prenatal appointment. I once again got the pressure about refusing the RhoGam shot. I weighed in at 130lbs (have you placed your baby weight guess yet?) and Tater is still head down. Blood pressure looks good and I am still not having any protein in the urine which means I am doing great, still.

We got N’s blood type, he is RH positive but we are still not being provided with the information that proves the shot is indeed safe for Tater. I wont ramble on and on about this though since I’ve already posted about this in the past, if you want to know more ask in the comments.

Also, I’ve been testing my blood glucose here at home and have very normal numbers. I am in the 80’s after waking in the morning and I stay around 80-90 during the day unless I give in to a sugary craving of say a chocolate shake, then I’ve gone up to about 105-120. I am told anything higher than 120 is bad and I should try to stay below that.

I am still packing the house up like a mad woman. Things are progressing well with the move. All our utilities, change of address and mail forwarding is done. Things are set to shut off here and now that we have the moving truck we are well on our way.

Tomorrow is the “moving furniture” day thanks to a fellow blogger, Mitzi, who has offered to come over for a bit and help N move the big stuff. Tomorrow night we’ll be sleeping in our new place, woot!

The slumlords still have not returned the signed copy of the mutual release form as they promised they would. They were also supposed to come by on the first to pick up our April rent payment but we haven’t heard from them since the end of March when N got a call (that was almost inaudible and quickly dropped) from them saying they were out of town or something.

Whatever happens we are in our new house and that makes me insanely happy!

Oh, some people have asked- I have updated our address on the baby registries so anything bought from them will automatically be sent to us at our new address from the store, no fretting for you about our new address- yay! Will you be attending my baby shower chat? I hope you will!

It’s a cool, rainy, tornado watch day here. So far just rain at the house and no official tornado warning so I am taking a rest in bed and blogging before I try getting more packing done for the day.

I’ve also been busy entering baby giveaways online, still haven’t won Tater anything but I am still trying! During my giveaway entering frenzy I was met the lovely Andreah who gifted me a Rockin Baby Sling she had recently won but couldn’t use for a while. It was so sweet of her, I am loving it. Can’t wait to carry Tater around in it.

Lastly, I’ve created a separate twitter account for all my giveaway tweets (GiveawayQueen). If you are interested in finding online/ bloggy giveaways to enter you should follow me on that account, I’ll keep those contests coming at you via my twitter feed!

Well that is all I have to report for now. I’ll most likely be away from the blog this weekend because of the move. Hopefully you all have a great holiday!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “And we're outta here…

  1. Holy Cow! $102 for a sling! I am getting one custom made at Etsy for around $30 and I thought that was too much! But they are cute and I would love to have one to add to my soon-growing collection.

    Love the meat deals. I know the feeling. Albertsons had a sale on meat recently for 1.88 a pound and they let you do small individual packs at the butcher counter (so you can do 2 chicken breasts in one package for the same low price). We have a side-by-side freezer with limited space and this method really works best for us.

    Janelles last blog post..Straining my green thumb

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