Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant, another belly shot shared.

I am eating some nut & chocolate trail mix. Just slathered more goop on the belly and was thinking I should write a 35 week pregnancy post.

Still pregnant as ever, feeling more and more uncomfortable as the days pass. Am still gaining weight despite all the talk in books about how weight gain slows or stops towards the end of the pregnancy.

Captured this belly shot yesterday after getting off the phone with Krystal. She said “you must be getting so huge”, I sure feel freaking huge but you can be the judge of that based upon the photo.

My hormones are sure in full swing these days. Yesterday I had a blow up at the post office thanks to a rude postal worker. Super annoying situation, very irritating employee and I reacted.

Snatched my stuff off the counter to allow the next person in line to be helped and remarked at what a “fucking bitch” the employee was. Oops, it just flew out of my mouth. I assure you it was warranted though!

Oh and it seems Tater is also going to have no problem expressing what she doesn’t appreciate either. She is already letting her feistiness shine through and she hasn’t even left the womb yet.

Just the other day I was laying down for a rest. I laid on my right side as that is usually the side she is calmest in. We were going to have some nap time and take some of the weight off my upper belly skin.

I laid there for about 15 min while she kicked the hell out of my ribs and also jabbed my hip. She even got a few good punches to the cervix in during that time and man those are painful. After several minutes of this I got the memo that she wasn’t happy in that position so I rolled over to my left side instead. Sure enough that calmed her right down and we both napped.

Told N he is going to have two feisty ladies in the house soon and is he ready? He said he’s probably going to need to get a hobby or two that will get him out of the house on occasion. LOL. Poor guy is going to be outnumbered.

Talked to my midwife out at The Farm yesterday. Two more weeks until Tater is “full term” and we are getting in the baby having mindset. Three more weeks until I leave for The Farm. It is all becoming more and more “real” as the days pass but I suspect it wont completely sink in for us until the labor begins.

My accommodations are all lined up out at The Farm and I’ve got an appointment set with a backup doctor near The Farm in case hospital transport is necessary. Everything is pretty much lined up and seems like it will just fall in to place once labor begins. I am still having no pregnancy complications and am feeling pretty good about how my body has held up throughout the process.

Oh and the mad-lib birth announcement is making it’s rounds to those who have said they would like to be included. There is still time to sign up if you wanna play too, the more the merrier!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Today I am 35 weeks pregnant, another belly shot shared.

  1. I’m so curious about the farm. It sounds really lovely. Do you just go there and hang out until labor starts? If your labor starts early do you go there early? Is it far for you to travel.

    Good luck in your last few weeks!

    Leshas last blog post..TEN DAYS

  2. Lesha »

    Our plan is to arrive 2 weeks before my predicted due date and just wait for labor to begin. I am planning to be there about a month, unless baby is ready to vacate sooner rather than later.
    I live 4 hours from The Farm (2 states away) so our game plan if labor begins early will all depend on the circumstances and how quickly labor is moving along. Lots of unknowns but we are firm believers in allowing things to progress in their own time so it is perfect for us.

  3. I love this picture! Pregnancy looks good on you 🙂 3 weeks is going to go by so fast, make sure you get lots of rest- N too!

    Megans last blog post..May 10

  4. You look beautiful! I’m so glad to hear that most of the plans are all set, including the backup ones. Sorry I haven’t been around as much but it isn’t because I haven’t been thinking of you. 🙂 I guess N is just going to have to learn to deal with female hormones in the house. LOL. I’m sure he will find a way to adjust as most men do (you know, unless for some reason you kill him first, haha). Hang in there – not much longer now!

    teenis last blog post..Busy, Busy, Busy

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