cloth diapering parenting personal stories pregnancy

Keeping busy while resting AND gathering some stuff for Tater…

Some of you might remember how I began a baby stuff contest entering spree back in March. I started it to feel like I was doing something productive in preparing for Tater’s arrival and it has helped me not go crazy.

Now It’s been a few months since that began. I’ve been checking twitter regularly (this is my contest twitter account) and entering those contests that looked interesting when I have the time. It seems my efforts are paying off and it is kind of exciting!

Since March I’ve managed to get a free BumGenius 3.0 diaper from cottonbabies, just yesterday I was told I’ve got a Gro Baby diaper on the way from so that makes 2 free diapers that I’ve acquired since beginning my contest entering.

I’ve also received several other helpful baby items during this time like the Rockin Baby Sling from a fellow blogger I met in a twitter sitewarming party.

Then there are my contest winnings, this morning I was notified I am the winner of a Lilitah Blanket: Super Soft Babe’ Blanket in pink. I also won Adiri Natural Nurser Bottles from “Deal”ectible Mommies and a 1 year laundry ball from HappyMomAmy. All three are on the way to us right now. Woot! Online/ bloggy contests rock and I am so excited for all the goodies to arrive. Just wanted to share the happy news.

Hopefully everyone is gearing up for a safe and fun holiday weekend. We aren’t planning to do much but it will be nice to have N home from work for a few days to hang out. I look forward to reading about how your weekend went on Tuesday (don’t forget monday is a holiday) and I’ll have some OBGYN updates to share. Hugs!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Keeping busy while resting AND gathering some stuff for Tater…

  1. Hello! been reading your blog for a few months now – so close! to time!

    are you referring to The Farm – Stephan Gaskin’s Farm? That would be a blast from my past of memories when it started – dream to always go there.

    i’ll keep watching – best to you and HAPPY BABY!

    traci k couchs last blog post..Helga and Her Own

  2. Ah, how cool that you mentioned me in your blog! Thanks!
    I hope you like the Wonder Ball =)

    Congrats on the baby! (I “just had mine” 9 months ago. I’m sure you’re sick of hearing this, but it really does go by crazy fast. Enjoy!

    I don’t share this publicly, but I give the link to moms/moms-to-be who I think might like a good read. My pregnancy blog is here: – Enjoy!

    PS – Saw your other post, pregnancy becomes you, girl! You’re one of the rare ones that look cute preggers (as opposed to me, who looked like the wicked witch of the west still walking around with the house on top! I only gained 15 pounds and still managed to look HUGE-normous!)

    Amy (HappyMomAmy)s last blog post..Oh so Lush!

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