Animals & Pets personal stories pictures say 1000 words

When it rains it pours- It's been hectic!

talina-and-hazel-renee.jpgThe last few days have been quite crazy! Saturday we awoke to fish tank water leaking all over the house, after we solved the tank issue we went to see my niece and the rest of my family. We got some good pictures! She is such a well behaved baby, no crying or fussing at all! She is also very beautiful! My brother is quite the proud daddy and I am excited for them.

After our visit we drove back home last night and got pulled over as we exited the freeway and were blocks from home. The cop pulled us over because our license plate light was burned out.

This morning we were running errands and getting some stuff done while we were in town. Over at the post office as I was pulling out of a parking spot a lady cam flying out of her parking spot in reverse and she backed right into the side of our car going pretty fast. She was sorry about hitting us, we exchanged insurance info and it was a fairly friendly encounter. Now the whole back/ side panel of the car has a very large dent and the gas flap thingy wont close because of the dent. Then, when we get home we notice that our back door had blown open and that our inside cats had gotten out and were wandering the neighborhood.

Our cats eventually came home and we contacted the insurance company about the large dent in the car. It will all work out for us but it has been a pretty hectic few days! All kinds of things are happening, when it rains it pours huh?

Have you been having any crazy happenings this week or has it been calm for you?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

8 thoughts on “When it rains it pours- It's been hectic!

  1. been a crazy week here too hope yours get better! adorable baby though.

    kaylee’s last blog post..Birthday Dinner

  2. Wow! You sure HAVE been busy! I’m sorry about the fish tank and the car situation. Those things really stink but fortunately nobody was hurt. YAY for that! And I’m so glad your craft show went well. To top it all off, isn’t that the most adorable little baby girl ever! Oh, it must have been hard to stop holding her and give her back to her rightful owners! LOL. Thanks so much for posting the pic for us all to see.

    teeni’s last blog post..Suspicious Meme

  3. Oops – forgot to mention that I’m glad your indoor cats came home. I’d be so worried if that happened to my babies!

    teeni’s last blog post..Suspicious Meme

  4. Aww isn’t she precious? My nephew is now eight months old. I will be seeing him on Christmas eve. He is such a sweet baby. He’s adopted but looks exactly as my brother did when he was a baby.

    Sorry to hear about the car mishap. I hope that will get fixed soon. Thank goodness for insurance, right?

    We haven’t had any crazy happenings here in Maryland. The man I’m seeing is away for a month with his job. I’m not liking that too much, but he should return before Christmas. It’s snowing here in Maryland. My daughter and I are enjoying that immensely!

    Opal Tribble/Vegan Momma’s last blog post..Guest Posting & Exercise From a Vegan Perspective

  5. Opal Tribble/Vegan Momma » Your nephew is adopted? That is the sweetest thing ever! I bet he is very precious and loved.

    The car mishap is actually working out very smoothly! The woman who hit us admitted it to her insurance company and they are paying for all the repairs and for a rental car while ours is in the shop. It has been a surprisingly easy process!

    Well, enjoy your snow and keep warm! Our snow will arrive friday and we are getting ready. Take care!

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