personal stories Recipes

Enjoying homegrown goodness, from my garden to my table.

If you are reading N’s blog you probably already know about the veggi garden in our backyard. It’s a good little garden with lots of yummy stuff.

We are stoked to have a much longer growing season here, we can grow more fun stuff now. We have things like corn, zucchini, tomato, peppers, basil, lettuce, parsley, cucumber, melon, beans, peas, egg plant and collard greens going out there right now.

This last weekend we had quite a few zucchini that were harvested and some bushy collard green plants so I went looking for some recipes. Since transplanting to the Midwest I’ve discovered I like southern style collard greens but we’ve been failing at cooking them. Turns out it is all in the stock!

I found this recipe for Tasty Collard Greens that calls for simmering in chicken stock for an hour as opposed to sauteing them. Who knew the chicken stock simmer would make such a huge difference? It turned out amazing.

N also had a hankering for Stuffed Zucchini which was also very tasty! We used some leftover homemade spaghetti sauce that N’s dad made while they were visiting us right after Everly’s birth. It was so good over the zucchini.

Now we are looking for ideas and recipes for all the fresh cucumbers we’ve got. I don’t want to make a million jars of pickles, we’ll make a few but I would also like to make some other things with them. Any ideas?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Enjoying homegrown goodness, from my garden to my table.

  1. Here’s a quick and refreshing cucumber salad recipe that I love. Add whatever amounts you like or looks pretty. You can add or take out whatever sounds good, but cucumber is the main ingredient 🙂 You may also have to adapt if E has any gassy reactions.

    Chop cucumber and red bell pepper into bite-sized pieces. Add diced red onion and crumbled feta cheese. Mix together and serve with your favorite salad dressing. I like mine with ranch.

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing others cucumber ideas too:)

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