
Winter weather drink recipes favorites: Hot Toddy & Egg Nog

When I think of the holiday season and drinks of the season only two come to mind and I’d like to share them with you today.

No holiday season is complete without Eggnog in our house! Starting at thanksgiving I get cravings for it. I usually like mine nonalcoholic but on a cold winters day some spiked eggnog can totally warm your bones!

Normally I’ll just buy the nonalcoholic stuff from the grocery store but I am also a sucker for making stuff from scratch. Here is my recipe to make Eggnog from scratch if you are feeling up to it:

Eggnog Recipe

I found via this source.

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon
  • 1 pint whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 3 ounces bourbon
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
  • 4 egg whites

First, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, bourbon and nutmeg and stir to combine.

In a separate bowl take the egg whites and beat till soft peaks form. Gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and continue to beat until stiff peaks form.

Whisk the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture. Chill and serve.

For cooked eggnog, follow this procedure: Beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Set aside.

In a medium saucepan, over high heat, combine the milk, heavy cream and nutmeg and bring just to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and gradually temper the hot mixture into the egg yolk and sugar mixture. Then return everything to the pot and cook until the mixture reaches 160 degrees F. Remove from the heat, stir in the bourbon, pour into a medium mixing bowl, and set in the refrigerator to chill.

In a separate medium mixing bowl, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. Gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Whisk the egg whites into the chilled egg yolk mixture.

Hot Toddy Drink Recipe

This is a drink recipe perfect for my mother and mother in law. You see my mom loves brandy and my MIL loves tea. A hot toddy combines both brandy and tea to make a warm, festive drink. To make this drink you’ll need:

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 3/4 glass tea (fruit flavored tea is good)
  • 2 shots brandy (fruit flavored brandy is my choice)
  • 1 slice lemon

To whip up the drink simply brew tea and fill a tall glass 3/4 full. Mix in honey and brandy shots. Then garnish with a lemon slice and enjoy! Super easy to make and will be sure to warm your bones in no time.

What are your favorite drinks of the season?

For more drinks of the season check out these posts: More Drinks of the Season Recipes


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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