Blogging technology stats on my self hosted (not hosed) blog?

I have a weird situation going on here. I have my own blog, Harvest of Daily Life and I help N with his blog, Green Preferred. Both blogs have the most recent wordpress version which is 2.3.3 as of today.

The strange thing is that he has this nifty stats display in his dashboard mine does not and I can’t figure out why…


Anyone have any idea what is going on here?? What am I missing?



After chatting with Teeni and Witchypoo about all this I searched and found the plugin page: It says that once you have your API key in it’s all automatic. The catch is that you have to install the plugin– duh! So I guess I just was confused because when I set up

I didn’t install the stats plugin it was just there, or I am just loosing my mind and I did install it and just for got. Ugh, well thanks to my Witchypoo and Teeni for their emails and patience. 😉

Now I can see what strange ways people found my blog like Witchypoo in her How they found me post.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

5 thoughts on “ stats on my self hosted (not hosed) blog?

  1. Isn’t the WordPress stats thing a plugin? Don’t you have to install it? I have no idea what I’m talking about cuz I’m still using the free version but just wondering out loud. **shrugs** Also – got a giggle out of your heading – self -hosed blog. Did you mean that or was it a typo? It was genius.

    teeni’s last blog post..For the Men: How Not to Romance Your Lady

  2. Sign up for a account, make a dummy blog, and scoop your API key.
    You will need it for Akismet spam protection anyway.
    Then log into your dashboard, and switch from the blog to your self-hosted WP blog. Do I need to take screenshots?
    This works well because you get to use server, and that frees up a fair amount of bandwidth.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..How they found me

  3. I have the API kep and the account with but I am not getting the “switch from the blog to your self-hosted WP blog” part.. I tried adding my URL in my account but it told me to change my nameservers and that is not what I want…

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