Animals & Pets domestic disasters personal stories

Don't pour bleach on bunny pee! (or any pee for that matter)

Ugh, my nose is burning and it’s cause I had a temporary moment of stupidity. We are moving in 15 days and I have an ongoing list of crap to accomplish. Today it was sweeping/ cleaning the wood floors and cleaning bunny’s cage/ mess. Oh and I was supposed to find the Nissian repair book so we can see how to remove the alternator from the car.

I didn’t get around to taking care of bunny till after dinner. I made meatloaf for the first time tonight and it turned out good, then I was unusually tired and achy so I procrastinated some more and watched TV. When N headed back to work I forced myself to take care of bunny’s mess before I took a bath.

We put “potty pads” down under bunny’s cage because she like to shoot pee all over the place despite the fact that we bought her a special anti-spray litter pan. So I moved the cage and rolled up the urine soaked “potty pads”. A bit of pee leaked on to the tile/ grout and I didn’t want it to smell or stain so I grabbed the nearest cleaner and some paper towels….

I poured about a teaspoon of bleach on the grout, it began to foam and bubble. I knew I had made a mistake. Bleach and ammonia are NOT a safe combination! Anyway my eyes began to water, the nose started to burn and I was trying to wipe up the bleach quickly so the chemical reaction would stop.

My nose still burns but I am in bed now, tippy typing away. We have a snow day tomorrow, which is good cause I feel “off” right now and am not sure why… probably from inhaling toxic chemicals huh?

The morale of the story is don’t clean the litter box, bunny cage or anything that has urine in it with a bleach product, it’s very bad news! Your respiratory system will NOT like you! It will hate you very much and you will want to die, the end.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

10 thoughts on “Don't pour bleach on bunny pee! (or any pee for that matter)

  1. Wow – good thing you only used a tiny amount! Yikes. That is one rule you are likely to remember from now on though (and so will I, thanks to you!). 😉 Hope you are feeling better.

    teeni’s last blog post..My Technical Romance

  2. For any organic stains or ordors, you should try “Nature’s Miracle”. I get it at Olsen’s Feed. We got brand new carpets last Nov. Our dog came in after feasting in the horse corral and let it loose on my new carpet….. this stuff took it all out! I hope your sinuses are feeling better today.

    April’s last blog post..Happy Valentine’s Day

  3. Hey i had a bunny it was a dwarf bunny so cute his name was tigger and he died augest 24th 2005 he lived for only 5 months how STUPID i was so upset he died in my arms like can you imagine so three years later i still think about tigger and still are really upset and thinking about getting another bunny except not a dwarf. My mom said no! but i think i can talk her into it so anyways heres the point i was a white rabbit like a girl white rabbit this time but i was wondering do they get pee stains on there fur?

  4. Hi Chelsea!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and I am sorry about your bunny! I have had a bunny die also, she was a bit older but it was still sad for us.

    Yes, bunnies can get pee stains on their fur. Rabbits are pretty clean animals that generally prefer to designate a “potty” spot in their cage. The don’t want to hop around in their pee and poo. Rabbit owners should consider a small litter pan for bunny’s cage. Litter training is super easy and as long as you consistently clean the litter pan they will continue to use it thus keeping the pee and poo out of their “living area” of the cage.

    Things like the type of bedding used can also stain a rabbits fur. When we used hay in the bottom of bunny’s cage her foot fur would have a green stain. Just a random note about rabbit bedding, don’t use pine- it can kill them as can feeding them apple cores & stems. There are a number of things that are toxit to rabbits and any rabbit owner should research the dos and donts of rabbit care/ feeding to avoid health problems.

    I hope this has helped you Chelsea. good luck with your future bunny and take care!

  5. By chance I happened across a natural miracle for removing bunny pee stains from carpet, walls, you name it. At the same time it neutralizes the smell and disinfects. Vinegar. Simple white vinegar. I was cleaning my bunny cage and spilled some on the carpet and like a miracle the pee stains were gone! I just use a squirt bottle, squirt the spots and it does the rest. No need to blot it, wipe it, or anything on the carpet.

  6. Hi Talina!
    Actually, I have been raissing rabbits for about six years now and the only bedding I use is pine. Cedar shavings is actually the bedding that kills them. Pine is just fine, although some rabbits have bad allergies, like humans. so they may cough and sneeze but they wont die from it. You should switch their bedding right away to a pellet bedding if thats the problem, but i have never had a rabbit die from pine bedding.

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