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Did we conceive? My NFP-FAM charting and ovulation.

Oh boy, looks like our chances for getting pregnant were good back on Monday & Tuesday. Using natural family planing/ the fertility awareness method I was just able to confirm past ovulation that was within a 1 day window from the time of intercourse.

Now I just need to wait 2 weeks before I can take a pregnancy test and confirm with my waking temperatures whether or not we conceived. Conveniently enough I have the “woman doctor” appointment in 2 weeks. Oh, the suspense is killing me!

If you are trying to get pregnant or even if you are trying to avoid pregnancy you should consider learning the fertility awareness method, it offers great insight about how your body works and gives you much more control over your fertility!

I bought the book taking charge of your fertility and have learned so much from reading it. Every woman needs to learn about her fertility signs and gain more control over whether or not she gets pregnant.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

9 thoughts on “Did we conceive? My NFP-FAM charting and ovulation.

  1. LOL @ Witchypoo’s comment. I think she has something there, though. So, are you TRYING to get pregnant? Sorry if that is nosey but I just want to know if I should be excited or scared for you. LOL. 🙂

    teeni’s last blog post..The Entertainment Meme

  2. teeni » We aren’t officially trying, but we are not preventing it either so this all is a surprise. We are going with the flow, but it would be nice if we were pregnant.

  3. Good luck! We are currently in the window of trying (I have a long cycle and I ovulate somewhere between CD21 and CD30) for this month.

    Shall be crossing fingers for you!

    Veronica’s last blog post..Six Words

  4. When I decided I wanted to get pregnant the first time, I counted out 14 days, had sex ONCE and BOOM… there she was. The second time, I had so much life stress that 3 months of “trying” had produced nothing. My voodoo dr told me that until my body was free of stress, and until I cleared my mind, my body wouldn’t allow conception (which makes me laugh, thinking of all those unwanted pregnancies to women who are STRESSED OUT, so I wouldn’t put all kinds of money on stress being a good birth control). But, once I got rid of the stressful situations in my life, there baby #2 was.

    Best of luck in your efforts. You are such a genuine, authentic person…you’ll be a great parent!

    Hyphen Mama’s last blog post..There’s Something to be Said About Not Speaking

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