Life in Evansville personal stories Presidential Election 2008

On Halloween we got legally married and voted.

While walking in to the courthouse this morning to be legally married we realized that we were being married on Halloween. Everyone was walking around all decked out in full costume. We didn’t realize we were scheduled to be married on Halloween until we were walking in the courthouse doors and noticing all the dressed up people.

At 9:45 am we were married on paper and official for the insurance that kicks in tomorrow, November 1st. Talk about cutting it close huh? Now our documents are official and our unborn child will have access to prenatal care through N’s insurance. We don’t see ourselves as husband and wife though and I wont be changing my name until we have our actual wedding with the family and friends after the baby is born.

We also enjoyed the cluster-fu@& that is early voting today. We headed to our local library at 12:30pm to get in line for the early voting that began at 1pm. When we arrived the line was already stretching the entire length of the library and was almost out the front door. Today was the last day for early voting and we did want to try getting it done so we could avoid the chaos of election day.

In Indiana voter turn out is expected to be record breaking  on November 4th, 2008. Many are speculating that election day voting will be a headache because of lack of preparation for the record voter turn out among a number of other things. Anything to avoid that is good right? Even if you have to wait forever just to vote early…

To make a long story short we waited 2 hours from the time we joined the line until we got to vote but we did it, we cast our votes! I am ready for a nap!

N and I are ready to be done with all of this election stuff. The ads are getting especially annoying in Indiana. For those of you in the states, did you take advantage of early voting for the election or will you just vote on Tuesday, November 4th 2008?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

16 thoughts on “On Halloween we got legally married and voted.

  1. N and T – CONGRATS!! I feel bad that it was so quiet, though… I know, I know there will be a big bash for the two of you next yr… but you both deserve to have such merriment for your nuptials! I wish you many many HAPPY and passionate yrs!

  2. Thanks guys. It is a big thing but really it is not to us since we just did it to make everything official on paper.

    We’re doing our dream ceremony and the whole “real” wedding thing after baby comes. We can only enjoy one blessing at a time and this baby is something we have been working on and were told was unlikely to happen… Now that we successfully got pregnant we are 100% okay with temporarily putting our other plans on hold.

  3. Congratulations! FabGrandpa moved into my house to begin out life together on Halloween, 1991. It was the biggest treat of my life. We still have fun together after all this time, can you believe 17 years?

  4. Everyone is saying how sick they are of this whole election. I have to agree. We are inundated with it, everyone’s opinion on it, and the media making fun, blah, blah. Oh soon, soon it will be a distant nightmare! Congrats on the legal marriage. I’m so glad that you and the baby have insurance coverage now. But I’ll give you a more proper congratulating after your wedding. 🙂

  5. Well, even if it’s not “for real” in your minds…Congratulations!

    And I wish we would have had early voting…but I will be in line at 6 am on Tuesday.

    Rees last blog post..$172 $175

  6. Congrats!! Adam and I had to do the exact same thing for insurance purposes.I haven’t changed my name either until we do the real wedding. Most likely it will be in AZ. We got married in Feb, so we would like to get married in Feb of 2010.

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