Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Baby brother is still cooking?! 38 week pregnancy updates and thoughts on induction.

In the last weeks of pregnancy women often find themselves simply DONE with the process and ready to meet their baby. Even crunchy ones that are aware of all the reasons baby should keep cooking! Pregnancy often leaves your mind and body conflicting on many things… meeting that sweet baby ASAP is one of those […]

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parenting personal stories pregnancy

“Crunchy hate” and flaming, how do you deal during the holidays?

Each time around the holiday season a number of people in my crunchy circle (what the hell is “crunchy” Talina?) find themselves upset when trying to mesh with non-crunchy loved ones that are often downright rude and generally not accommodating. Year after year I hear about… People that insist on hosting a holiday celebrations but whom […]

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parenting personal stories pregnancy

The pregnancy home stretch is here! 36 weeks pregnant and counting…

We had our first chance of dusting snow last night/ this morning out here in southern Indiana. The girls are bummed there isn’t any to play in or build a snowman with this morning but the event is significant because it means winter temperatures are now upon us. I am excited for winter because it […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Sisters practice for baby brother’s arrival… Not much time is left.

Things have been pretty non-stop around here lately, I’m guessing it’s just going to continue until our newest family member has joined us in a few short weeks. Everly and Adalyn are practicing for the arrival of their baby brother and for the excitement of Christmas. Some days they are bundling baby dolls (that they […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

The exciting news we are ready to share. It’s a …

It’s true we have some exciting news to share. It was officially announced to our close circle of loved ones our wedding. Actually, we’ve been dropping hints here and there and even dropped a major hint at the actual wedding… You already know that we had our belated wedding this month right? If not, you […]

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Featured Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Reflecting on the past then looking forward and planning ahead

There are only 4 months left in this whirlwind of a year! Remember all that madness? Need a recap? Last August we were living in Flagstaff, AZ and N proposed to me on the top of the San Francisco Peaks. Then we packed up a moving truck, the RV, said goodbye to all our family, […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival Featured home birth advocacy personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

Everly is now 5 days old: A look back on the birth experience.

The last week has been a whirlwind! Everly Charlotte was born on June 23rd 2009 at 1:16am. She weighed 8lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long, her head measured 34 1/2 cm. She was way bigger than we expected her to be but as you’ll see by the photos she is darn good and healthy! […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival home birth advocacy pregnancy

Headed to The Farm Midwifery Center: Will be meeting my new baby soon!

Most of you already know, today is the day I leave for The Farm to have my baby with a midwife. I’ve got wonderfully peaceful accommodations right next to the home of my trusted midwife there in The Farm community. I am 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Tater could arrive any day now and […]

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Featured Life in Evansville pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Less-words Wednesday: Pregnancy Home Stretch Edition

There are only two more days until I leave you all and head off to wait on my little girls arrival. I am totally feeling ready for this and am very anxious for labor to begin. Saw the chiropractor yesterday and was all out of whack again. Even more so now that Tater’s bones are […]

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