We know it is very exciting to be a newly walking baby and that growing like 4 molars at once is a major bummer but you still must sleep. Especially with us all being sick with the plague!
Sleep is the perfect way to hide from those teeth pains and the unfortunate symptoms of sickness, Everly has it all figured out. She can sleep right through a plane crash I bet cause she certainly sleeps right through your wailing when you wake and your assertive demands to nurse when your dad comes to you in the middle of the night instead of me.
Please rest your head Sweet Adalyn. We know you are pissed off, we are too but riling around the house screaming and tantruming about being awake and not on the boob doesn’t solve anything.
Can you imagine if we all just threw ourselves around screaming, crying and kicking each time we were pissed off? That would be a ridiculous sight to see and man would it be an energy drain…
Waking up and shrieking each hour is awful dear and we really do want to help you drift back off… I am glad you enjoyed watching television to numb your pain and relax but Elmo and Curious George certainly don’t help mommy and daddy to sleep, or to feel sane so that wont be a regular thing.
It is also hard to sleep while breastfeeding, so that isn’t an option either. I know some “super attachment mommies” can sleep nursing in all sorts of crazy positions, I apologize that I am not one of them… You see my hips and tailbone are all jacked up from shooting you two girls out ;P
So for Christmas, (since you haven’t slept in days) we want to be lazy for a week, while you girls play with toys and we stay home in our PJ’s. Sleeping in the morning would be a nice bonus too…
Does that sound like a deal? If not we will settle for “a nice bottle of wine and some ear plugs so we can’t hear the screaming”.
Thanks in advance,
Mom & Dad
Wow. Guess you did not read the fine print before closing the deal. LOL