personal stories

Happy 4th of July, any fun plans?

We are visiting the The Arboretum in Flagstaff today for fun then we are taking a break in the afternoon while N works. In the evening we are watching his show live then we are going out to have a celebratory drink.

All in all it is a low key day. Hopefully I’ll have some photos to share!

Oh, and I got a sweet award from Hyphen Mama called the Arte Y Pico award! She said this about me and my blog:

“I’m not sure how many things Talina’s got going right this minute, but it’s enough to make my head spin. She’s preparing to move cross-country to Evansville with her going-to-be-famous partner. Aside from being a dance instructor, gardener, and support for her partner….she’s also an inspiration to us all who are dealing with adversity. Her motto is: “Life is only what you CHOOSE to make it, perception is key!” I am trying very hard to keep that in mind this summer.”

I’ll be awarding this to 5 worthy blogs soon, after this weekend is over, so stay tuned!


At the Arboretum there was a bird show, we hiked around and looked at all the plants before attending the bird show. My favorite animal from the bird show was the owl. Here is the video I took of the bird show.

We saw a few other kinds of birds during the show that were either rescued or born in captivation. I especially liked the free flying portion of the show where the birds would fly back and fourth for us to watch, what a cool experience.

It was beginning to get cloudy during the bird show, a thunderstorm was headed our way so we decided to head home after the bird show ended. On the way out of the park we stopped to check out a plant we liked. N spotted a little garden snake and I was unpleasantly surprised by a large bug that scared the crap out of me. I’ll probably share those videos in a few days, I have a sinus headache right now.

It was sure an eventful outing for us and I am please I got so much of it on video! It was a cool experience, I hope you enjoy the videos I captured and that you are having a good holiday!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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