We are visiting the The Arboretum in Flagstaff today for fun then we are taking a break in the afternoon while N works. In the evening we are watching his show live then we are going out to have a celebratory drink.
All in all it is a low key day. Hopefully I’ll have some photos to share!
Oh, and I got a sweet award from Hyphen Mama called the Arte Y Pico award! She said this about me and my blog:
“I’m not sure how many things Talina’s got going right this minute, but it’s enough to make my head spin. She’s preparing to move cross-country to Evansville with her going-to-be-famous partner. Aside from being a dance instructor, gardener, and support for her partner….she’s also an inspiration to us all who are dealing with adversity. Her motto is: “Life is only what you CHOOSE to make it, perception is key!” I am trying very hard to keep that in mind this summer.”
I’ll be awarding this to 5 worthy blogs soon, after this weekend is over, so stay tuned!
At the Arboretum there was a bird show, we hiked around and looked at all the plants before attending the bird show. My favorite animal from the bird show was the owl. Here is the video I took of the bird show.
We saw a few other kinds of birds during the show that were either rescued or born in captivation. I especially liked the free flying portion of the show where the birds would fly back and fourth for us to watch, what a cool experience.
It was beginning to get cloudy during the bird show, a thunderstorm was headed our way so we decided to head home after the bird show ended. On the way out of the park we stopped to check out a plant we liked. N spotted a little garden snake and I was unpleasantly surprised by a large bug that scared the crap out of me. I’ll probably share those videos in a few days, I have a sinus headache right now.
It was sure an eventful outing for us and I am please I got so much of it on video! It was a cool experience, I hope you enjoy the videos I captured and that you are having a good holiday!
Everyone is crazy busy over the holiday, and I’m glad yours was low key and enjoyable. Me? Working and trying to resolve computer problems. Not going well.
witchypoos last blog post..Skinny Bitch Gets Felt Up
Glad you like the award. You deserve it.
Our 4th was fairly low key during the day. We went to a bbq and fireworks last night. Good time!
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Bitter Sweet Symphony
Congrats on the award! I spent the 4th and the weekend working. I got way too many trauma patients for my liking! Yours sounded like a good day:)
Beckys last blog post..Don’t Look There