Yesterday I did some light pilates moves with my students. We are doing many dance moves that require much body strength and I have found pilates to be the best way to strengthen many parts of the body in a low impact direct way.
Well, we sure worked the body! My abs are sore in places I didn’t think could be sore. Breathing hurts my abs!
Oh and last night I had N help me work on a dance move (I was showing him it) and he was supposed to be spotting me during a backwards somersault that developed into a hand stand. Well, he missed my legs and my left knee hit the ground so hard that it’s now quite bruised!
I am so glad the weekend is here! I just want to sleep all day tomorrow cause it hurts too much to be awake and active… Being a dance teacher is hard on my not-teenage-anymore body. Hope you all have a nice, relaxing weekend!
Oh, if you need a topical remedy for sore muscles check out this link for one that uses apple cider.
Oh, I bet you have some fun stories being a dance teacher!
teeni’s last blog post..Eliminating Paddle Butt
Dance is so not for sissies!
witchypoo’s last blog post..Miss Emily Puzzle
Apart from this workout pain do you know how many types of pains can be from which your daily life can be suffered, if not, just have a look at an article and you would know the thing about which you might not be aware.