The last few days have been a bit trying for us as some of you know. On Tuesday night our gas stove/ oven caught fire and that was enough to make me drink hard liquor! Wednesday we were told by the rental company that a new stove was on the way but were not given a date or time for the stove delivery.
For those who do not know we are actually renting this house on a month to month basis, it’s for sale and at the time we could not commit to a longer lease, you can read more about it here.
Anyway, we got a call from the rental company on Thursday morning regarding the new stove delivery and were also notified that there was a contract on the house, some poor schmuck actually made and offer on the house we are renting. Our certified letter giving us 30 day to vacate the property was on the way…
Now having 30 days to find a new place, pack your crap and move is enough to stress anyone out so with that on top of the stove fire experience I needed to hibernate for the day. That is exactly what I did yesterday. No blogging, no commenting, no nothing… just sewing purses, trying to find a new rental, eating cookie dough and having a glass of champagne before bed…
Today I am happy to announce that my hibernation period has passed and we are steps closer to having a new rental home just blocks away from our current one. We looked at it today and are interesting in going forward. Oh, and the new to us/ used stove was delivered so I can actually cook dinner tonight.
The purse factory is going well also. I have 21 finished purses today and will knock out 4 more by the end of the night…. So, how was your week? Are you as glad as I am that the weekend is here?
I am glad that you at least get to stay in the same area 🙂
kaylee’s last blog post..House Invasion
What I’m really glad about is that I don’t have to move. Freecycle is your friend before and after a move.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Witchypoo Interviews Miguelina
witchypoo » I forgot about freecycle… I need to get rid of tons of crap!
Well, that used/new to you stove looks nice. Too bad you don’t get to take it with you but hopefully your next rental home meets all your needs and wants. Your purses look great – I’m amazed at how you are plugging along at them with the craziness going on around you but I guess you have to take these things in stride. Good for you! 🙂
teeni’s last blog post..Hey That’s My Fish! and a Story Game
Good grief. That’s quite a story.
First, your landlord’s insurance may cover some of your costs, especially if you had to have things cleaned to get the smell out. I once had a wall oven explode and catch fire…oh boy, that was entertaining…. My homeowner’s insurance bought a very, very nice new oven for me–much nicer than the one that was in there, which itself was not junk. So look in to what insurance can do for you.
Second, it’s possible that your landlord or the landlord’s insuror will cover the cost of your gas bill above & beyond the normal cost. If you had a gas leak, you were at extreme risk. And the insulation in the wall catching fire smacks of incorrect installation of either the stove or the wallboard. Can the landlord spell l-a-w-s-u-i-t? If she can’t, you can bet her insurance company can. Ask nicely (at first) and you may be able to get some of the exorbitant utility bill reimbursed.
You are a working machine!! And so sane to do all that you’re doing with your purses AND getting ready to move. I think I’d be doing more than a little champagne before bed! Good luck with your move!
Hyphen Mama’s last blog post..Meadow Muffins and Dog Dirt