Moving out of state personal stories

We've got 12 feet of space, can we make our house fit?

The moving company was booked and now we are doing a “semi test run” to see if we can make all our belongings fit into a 12 foot long, 8 foot wide and 9 foot tall area cause that is all the space we booked through the moving company.

Yep, we are loading the truck ourselves and we only have a 12 x 8 x9 foot space, that is all we could afford. We are trying to keep this move under $10,000, that means more work for us- yay…

Here is what we have so far, we are up to about 101 packed boxes and we have only used up about 2 1/2 feet of our 8 foot wide space. Look how tall the stacks are! Shoot, should have photoshopped some boobs on, oh well. ;-P

Here is what the stack of boxes looks like when you are laying on the floor resting your poor back muscles.

There isn’t too much more moving preparations stuff we can do. We are just waiting for the RV to come back from the mechanic then we can load our things we won’t be packing (like non-perishable food, linen and extra bedding) and really get busy packing all the stuff that wont be going with us on the RV.

The station goes off the air this Friday so after that N will have much less work stress to deal with in addition to our moving stress. All in all we are ready for this. Indiana here we come!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “We've got 12 feet of space, can we make our house fit?

  1. My daughter and her boyfriend are going through this same thing. They are moving in two weeks from Norfolk, Virginia to Denver, Colorado. She is really really stressed about it. Did you know that relocating is the #3 most stressful thing?

    Hang in there, it will be over with before you know it.

    Karens last blog post..Not Much Going On

  2. Hey your pile of boxes is impressive 🙂 My husband used to drive the semi to people’s houses for them to load their household/personal items – like what you are doing. I went with him a few times. I guess my point is when you are planning your alloted space, don’t forget the outdoor stuff. People would forget to plan for that sort of stuff and then not have enough room – either they left it behind or bought more space (if it was available) and it is VERY expensive at the last minute like that. I bet it has been hard at times giving up stuff so that you pack and travel light.

  3. When we moved to NM from FL we used a pod, cost $1400 total, way less than a truck would have cost. It was only about the size of the average bathroom, but it’s amazing how much we were able to fit in there!

  4. Wow. I am hoping everything goes smoothly for you, Talina. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted when you can and stay safe when you are doing all that driving.

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