Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

2nd prenatal appointment this week and other updates.

Okay, lets see…  N asked for a Tribest Yolife Yogurt Maker – YL-210 after seeing it in a homesteading magazine. He loves preserving food and making it from scratch. Anyway it was being sold though a catalog but I went looking for it on because I had just earned a gift card from them thanks to my gather points.

So I found it, ordered it on December 1st and today it just arrived. N greeted the UPS man and accepted the package. Unfortunately, the product name was plastered all over the shipping box and it totally ruined the surprise for him! He came in all smiley and said it was no big deal.

I am pretty bummed and kind of mad now. It is not like I have a ton of gifts to surprise him with this holiday since money is so tight… I just wanted what I was able to get him to be special and exciting for him on Christmas day. Now that is out the window with this gift.

You probably read my product review I just published. It was and awful product test actually, the cream smelled really bad and gave me zits… Oh and it didn’t do anything either!

My second prenatal appointment is Thursday, we are excited and anxious about it all at the same time. Hopefully this appointment is less traumatizing and less eventful than the last one. I don’t want to have blood drawn and pass out again… I am sure it will go fine though.

Nothing else is going on here, we have more promises for snow this week that we aren’t holding our breath over. How are things in your neck of the woods? Do you have all your holiday shopping done yet and are your burried in snow?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “2nd prenatal appointment this week and other updates.

  1. Ha! The prospects of being buried in snow in Louisiana are next to zero. I suppose it could happen.

    My Christmas shopping is almost done. Two huge boxes came today with all the grandchildren’s gifts.

    I feel for you on the surprise being spoiled, but at least he is getting something he wants and will use and you deserve kudos for that!

    My husband and I are arguing over, er… I mean discussing whether giving gifts of food, wine, or beer is acceptable. He says it’s not because it doesn’t last and I say it is because it’s enjoyable and something that the recipient might not buy for themselves. Once we settle that and I get to send wine and steaks, I’ll be through shopping! (I’m sure I’ll win… aren’t you?)

  2. Donna> I think wine and steak are great ideas because, like you say, it is something they may not buy for themselves… and as far as lasting – they will have the memory of being spoiled to look back on for years. So keep on arguing, er… discussing your idea with GH 🙂

    T> I hit the floor the first time the drs drew my blood. And they had to use the salts to wake me. Since then (and it has been 34 yrs since that happened) I just look at the wall opposite of the blood drawer and think happy things until it is done. I am sure that N loves the idea and heart that you put into trying to surprise him ~ he is a great guy, husband and soon-to-be dad 🙂

    maiden53s last blog post..Need Help, please

  3. Donna B: I say go for the beer, wine and food gifts! I think sometimes, people are too focused on material items. In years past, my in-laws have gifted me some of those fun boxed assortments of beers or a case of cheap wine we really loved and I thought it was fantastic. That wine lasted us several months. On top of that, who doesn’t love a box of steaks?!

    Nathans last blog post..Non-Material Gifts

  4. I’d like to know how N likes his yogurt maker once he’s gotten to use it a few times. I had a Donvier one with the 8 cups but I sold it so I could get one that is just one container. I still haven’t bought it yet though. Now it seems I’m having a harder time finding the single container ones.

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