Animals & Pets personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Woho… We got lots of snow! – A photo essay.

Here are some photos of the snow storm we just got and will continue to experience through the week. Yes, this is in Arizona-amazing huh?

These are our mailboxes, snow covered and waiting for mail. They are ghetto and often blow open in storms as you can see.

When my boyfriend went walking down the street he found this little stream that was flowing under the snow..

Our kitties have been meowing and going on lately. They are inside cats but they beg to go outside on supervised visits. I bundled up and took them out for a bit.

We have our fireplace going at 11am this morning. It’s pretty chilly and still snowing. Our house looks so amazing covered in snow but the roads aren’t that amazing. We plan to drive into town (we live about 20 miles ourside town) to do our monthly grocery shopping. This is what our streets look like, and yes the plows have been by!

Well, just wanted to share some of the photos of our neck of the woods! We are off to shovel our driveway and go shopping. Stay warm and take care! (yes I am in a better mood today..)


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A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

2 thoughts on “Woho… We got lots of snow! – A photo essay.

  1. What a nice little photo show. Your cats are big cats kind of like my Toast – he’s a big boy. But I really love that last photo with the needles poking through the snow. How pretty. 🙂

    teeni’s last blog post..Last Meme and Three Things I Can?t Let Go

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