homemade personal stories recommendations

Remove sweat/ perspiration stains naturally!

dsc03192.JPGI have been looking for some good home remedies for removing those nasty yellow sweat stains from clothing. Many people are embarrassed by these stains and don’t know how to remove them from clothing. After doing much research I have found that there are a number of remedies that are said to remove these stains.

Our sweat stains were set in and unfortunately were not treated in a timely fashion. If your sweat/ perspiration stains are fresh the will be removed easily using the below remedies.

So, which ones actually work? Well today was a snow day and I had some time to test them out. Here is how it went:

First I tried baking soda and hot water. It is said that the hot water and baking soda will break up the sweat and deodorant mess that gets embedded in the arm pits of the shirt. You are supposed to mix 3 parts boiling hot water with 1 part baking soda, the mixture will fizz when combined. Next you should work the watery mixture into the stains vigorously. After applying the mixture to the perspiration stain you should launder as usual.

Another remedy is using degreaser (that you would use on the stove) to clean the stain. The degreaser is supposed to also break up the stain. After applying the degreaser to the perspiration stain you should launder as usual.

dsc03208.JPGBaking soda paste is another remedy that is supposed to help. All you do is mix a small amount of boiling water into the baking soda, work into the stain. This seems similar to the baking soda & hot water idea that I first tried so I decided to step it up a notch by first boiling the clothing item in hot water and then applying the baking soda mixture to the sweat stain. The hot water is supposed to break up the stain and the baking soda is supposed to remove the build up. Now, I need to warn you about trying this! I attempted it and ended up burning the shirt, you have to be very careful to keep the clothes away from the flame/ burner! Oops!

I have tried all these remedies on various differnt shirts. Unfortunately none of them have done much good for me.

The last remedy I found was the use of white vinegar to remove the stains, this is actually the most effective way to remove set in stains. Combine one quart of warm water and a about a tablespoon of white vinegar. Soak the garment in the mixture for about 15 min and launder as usual. Now for stains as resistant as mine this process needed to be repeated several times to completely get the stains out.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.


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