personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Ahhh… What is going on?

I was installing some upgraded versions of the plugins I use in wordpress last night and like witchypoo my blog went a bit haywire! A special thanks to Veronica for giving me the heads up about some errors that were displaying on the blog, now I just need to figure out why commentluv isn’t working or showing up in the plug in section anymore… 🙁

finished-purse.jpgWell, plugin craziness is going to have to happen another day because I have 45 special order purses to make for a customer that are due in 2 weeks.. That means I need to average about 3.75 purses a day so my time is looking very limited, though I am excited to fill this high volume order!

Here is a look at what one of the purses looks like, finished 3 tonight in about 4 hours! I love the fabrics I am using- these are too fun… I am a sewing machine! :-p



If you are wondering where you can see more of the stuff I create and sell you can visit my business site: Custom Gifts by Talina where gift giving is personal again!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

10 thoughts on “Ahhh… What is going on?

  1. Glad you are getting the kinks worked out of the upgrades. Slowly but surely. And oh, congratulations on such a high volume purse order. Good for you! They really are cute. And I’m not a big purse person.

    teeni’s last blog post..?Tis the Season

  2. kaylee »
    Ha! No offense taken here, it’s just that my back is killing me from sewing all day I was just thinking about how old I feel… 😉

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