personal stories

An out of state assignment.. Sigh.

N has been sent on an out of state work assignment to Colorado City to cover the news on the polygamists out there. After the police raid in Texas every news station around here seems to be covering polygamy right now… So I’ll be watching for his news story tonight and tomorrow to see what has developed.

I have some pretty stuff in bloom right now so I spent some time today watering the plants outside today and raking up the pine cones. All the crocus blooms are gone now but lots of other beautiful stuff is surfacing! I am sad that our rain water barrel is low on water. That means I have to water the plants with water from the tap/ that we have to pay for. Free water is much easier to use!

Oh, and my students got 5th place yesterday at their competition and we are back home today. I plan to relax and watch some TV, tidy up the place and tackle laundry today. What are you up to?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

3 thoughts on “An out of state assignment.. Sigh.

  1. Congrats to you and the girls! That is awesome. Sorry that Nathan has to be away a bit. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who uses rain barrels – aren’t they awesome? I’m sorry yours is almost empty but it’s spring so that may not last long. 🙂

    teeni’s last blog post..Sign Up for the Story Game

  2. Congrats to you and your ladies for a great performance. I wish that we got N’s station here… we have satellite. I did get to see him doing his job on the TV at the hospital the night we got hit by the snow plow…He looked good :-). Yes, isn’t the weather here today LOVELY!? I have been outside, too.

    April’s last blog post..Problem Solved!!

  3. I watched N last night and am glad that I did. Not only did he look and sound good/knowledgable… his report was very informative. Thanks for letting me know where and when to watch.

    April’s last blog post..Problem Solved!!

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