Arizona to Indiana Road Trip Moving out of state personal stories

Countdown, 6 days till we leave Arizona.

Two days later we are still on cloud 9 about the engagement, despite those who are insistent on ruining it for us. N is my fiance, woot! Now I am not just the crazy girl following her boyfriend across the country. Yeah, I know people did think I was crazy for moving away with him without a commitment but I didn’t care, besides now it is all gravy cause I am going with my fiance!

We are also getting pretty excited about the move. Also, today is N’s last day of work, finally! My mother (who is having some chicken drama right now) and brother will arrive on Saturday to make the trip across country with us and to help out with the pets. It is all coming together so fast and it is seeming more and more exiting as the days pass.

I have been packing, taking furniture apart and getting the plants/pets ready for the move. In the garden I am taking cuttings of my larger plants and then getting rid of them so that I can preserve the plants for our enjoyment without having to take entire potted plants with us.

Some of the plants I have taken cuttings of are: Coleus- ‘Kong rose’, Pothos-‘devil’s ivy’ and Basil- ‘sweet basil’. Other plants that I have grown from cuttings are mint and tomato.

We got the Winnebago back from the mechanic and are beginning to move stuff in to it and I am finally feeling like we are on track to make this move happen. I am also way exited to see all the sights along the way. Fun, fun!

Yes the proposal was perfect and he did set it all up wonderfully. He has always been good at that sort of thing. Now we are going to ahve to come back to Flagstaff for the wedding huh? Oh and we are not even thinking about planning a wedding right now, don’t worry we are not compleatly delusional! We are waiting till we get settled in for all that.

Contrary to popular belief I am not one of those girls who planned out her whole dream wedding in advance. Someone asked me at our going away party if I had my wedding file all ready and if we set a date. We had just gotten engaged that morning, give me a break!

I was never a “girly-girl” that way… I am also pretty chill so as long as we do what makes us happy for the wedding i’ll be fine. We are thinking of getting married on our dating anniversary 7/11 but we’ll see. I am pretty sure we will want to marry up on the san francisco peaks if that is possible but we’ll see.

Here is the ring photo for those of you who asked about it:


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Countdown, 6 days till we leave Arizona.

  1. Your ring is beautiful! I wasn’t a girlie-girl about my wedding either, and I never got stressed out over it. Enjoy your last few days in Arizona!

    Beckys last blog post..A Quickie

  2. Wow – your ring is quite gorgeous! I think it is great that you are chill about it all. That will certainly make it much easier and less stressful to deal with. You have the right idea – as long as you are both happy with the wedding plans, that is all that matters. Your friends and family should respect that. I hope all your cuttings make the trip – I’m sure they will, you do seem to have a way with them, unlike me. LOL. Oh, this is all so exciting. 🙂

  3. oh mah freakin god, what a purty ring! N did good. Don’t worry about setting a date You know, my daughter who is moving from Norfolk to Denver this week, has been going through all these same things getting prepared to go, and is not engaged to her guy either. But, the way I see it, she is 34, never been married, never lived with a guy before this one, and if she is committed enough to move that far away with him, then it is her decision and no one else’s business. I am so very happy for her. And, even though we have never met, I am so very happy for you, too.

    Karens last blog post..Western Legends Days In Kanab

  4. Gorgeous ring. And I’m picky about what I think is gorgeous. N did great, with ring and proposal. What a guy!

    Having three weddings as mother of the bride under my belt, I am for anything you think is great. I had one get married in Las Vegas — they put all their money into the reception which was absolutely wonderful.

    I had another elope and then notify us of the marriage and that one’s been going strong for 6+ years.

    The third gave in to her future mother-in-law’s dream of the perfect wedding. A fairy-tale one by all standards, but meaningless to the commitment her son and my daughter made. I will say, they had the most beautiful and lovely ceremony I’ve ever been a part of, but that part didn’t cost money, it was from their hearts.

    May you join my daughters as one of the truly happily married however you decide to celebrate the vows.

    Best wishes!

  5. WooHoo! That ring is GORGEOUS! Give N a big pat on the back from the bloggy community!

    We canceled our wedding 4 months prior to the wedding date and eloped to a tropical island. THAT was the wedding of my dreams! Do whatever will make you happy…even if that means waiting longer than other people think you should wait.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..White Trash Air Travel

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