
One of the things that makes me feel content is gardening. I love to tend to, grow and enjoy a variety of plants. This is the one activity that helps me relax. I love sitting and enjoying my pretty flowers and the birds & butterflies they attract. My garden provides me with inspiration for writing and it grounds me and helps me find perspective on things.

Since moving to a cool climate about four years ago I have taken up a bulb addiction. Actually I love bulbs, tubers, corms and just about anything that can grow, blossom, die back over winter and return with little effort the next season.

There are several types of bulbs (tubers, corms etc) that need a period of “chilling” between their flowering seasons. These bulbs are great for colder climates! Others do not require much chilling and some can even die if they are exposed to frosty conditions!

Now, since I am a bulb addict I buy anything that looks like it might be fun to grow, but of course I need to research the specific needs of the plant and do my best to give it what it needs. This section of my blog was created to help me keep track of all the stuff I have growing and the specific needs of the plants, it’s also a great informational resource for those of you who are looking to grow these plants in your own garden!

If you were wondering about the specific needs of bulbs and other plants you are in the right place! As I compile information I’ll post it here, that way I am learning for my own benefit and I am also helping others.

Here are the plants/ bulbs I have compiled information for already:

  • The stunning bearded iris that is drought tolerant, winter hardy and very beautiful.
  • The unique sparaxis/ harlequin flower.
  • The timeless amaryllis that is best known for it’s beautiful holiday blooms.
  • The grecian windflower – anemone.
  • The lily of the valley that thrives in cool, shady and damp locations and is winter hardy.
  • The fragrant paperwhites that do not require a chilling period and are a popular forced bulb during the winter.
  • The popular calla lily that often appears in bridal bouquets and does great in moist rich soil.
  • The tropical Canna Red Futurity with it’s deep burgundy leaves and love of warmth.
  • The exotic looking Winston Churchill fuchsia that is summer/ fall blooming and likes some shade.

Do you have a bulb or plant you are wondering about? Leave a comment below with your question and I’ll do my best to answer it for you and provide you with more information!

You can also view my garden journal over at Dave’s Garden to learn more about the plants I have in my garden or you can use Dave’s Garden to find info on any plant you want!

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