home birth advocacy Life in Evansville pregnancy

Make Midwifery “legal” in Indiana

Indiana’s Senate will be voting on HB 1135. This Bill will extend licensure to Certified Professional Midwives so that they can serve home birth families legally in the state of Indiana. If you LIVE IN INDIANA — we are calling you to action and asking you to contact your Senator and ask them to support HB 1135. Don’t know who your Senator is? No problem — we provide you a search link to click on at the end of the video.

We traveled to Tennessee to birth BOTH our girls with “legal” midwives that had the ability to accompany us to the hospital if transfer was necessary. You can read more about the legalities and choices left for Indiana families wanting home birth options here.

Lets change the situation here in Indiana for home birth seeking families! Voice your support of HB 1135 to your Indiana Senator this week and tell everyone you know to do the same. This is time sensitive, take action this week please if you intend to.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.


One thought on “Make Midwifery “legal” in Indiana

  1. Well if the revised HB 1135 passes, it looks like only midwives that can find a MD to observe them and collaborate births with them will be able to deliver at home.. Last it seemed the current midwives will not be grandfathered in but will all have to retrain before eligible to practice. The bill has been ammended by Senator Patricia Miller, so please contact your senators to state your opinion. Otherwise, women will still not be be able to freely choose the kind of birth they want. I doubt many doctors are willing to collaborate, as seen in other states..

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