Moving out of state

Moving 1500 miles wont keep me offline!

You know you are an internet/ blogging addict when you devise ways to stay online throughout your 1500 mile trek cross country in a motor home! We will be driving through 6 different states to get to our destination and I was just determined to find a way to have internet access on the way.

N said he had heard of McDonald’s offering wireless internet access to patrons but it turns out they don’t have much assuring information online regarding their wireless internet services.

We use t-mobile as our cellphone provider so I looked up their HotSpot service information and found some reasonable and assuring information regarding this service. They offer access in coffee shops, hotels  and airports to their subscribers. Turns out there are ample access points in every state we are traveling through, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky all have internet for me to document our adventure to Indiana.

Now I just need to set up email blog posting and I’ll be totally set to roll up to a starbucks, order a coffee, send my unsent email blog posts, have them auto post on the blog and we can continue on our week long trip, Woot this is getting exciting!

Now I wanna know if there are any places you think I just have to visit on the way… Send me your recommendations guys, we will visit and take photos of as many of the locations as we can. It will add to the fun of the adventure!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Moving 1500 miles wont keep me offline!

  1. Good to know that you won’t end up going through withdrawals on your journey:)I’m really not all that familiar with “cool” visiting spots in the states that you will be traveling through, other than Chicago. But you will be in southern Illinois. I love Chicago! Either way, I can’t wait to read your blogs ans see the pics that you will be posting!

    Beckys last blog post..Little Updates

  2. Evansville, Indiana. Oy. But, that said, you’ll be just a little ways north of the Shawnee National Forest, which runs all the way across southern Illinois. If you like the Great Outdoors, that’s a place you want to visit.

    lceels last blog post..Take me out to the ballgame

  3. Oh, yeah, I forgot to say, see if you can get a Verizon Aircard. it will let you have wireless internet anywhere that Verizon has a signal, high speed.

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