personal stories

Reflections on past memorial day weekends and anticipation.

A few years ago on memorial day weekend I almost lost my life. A mechanic that worked on our car used zip ties to put it back together and surprisingly they came loose while I was driving home from my mothers house. It was a rough weekend that almost changed my life but I was very lucky that day! Someone was watching out for me!

This memorial day weekend we are just preparing for N’ interview at the end of this week, trying to get our things in order for a potential move oh and our landlord is forcing us to allow an inspector and pest control company to check the house over on Monday, Memorial day!

We are excited about N’s interview and hope it all works out for the best. Getting this job is going to be a huge deal for us! We will see if it is meant to be soon, the anticipation is killer!

We went through our closets and found tons of stuff to give away! We figured the more stuff we can get rid of before the move the better. It will save us money right? So gave away shoes, purses, clothes and some miscellaneous things. It was a productive day for us and it was slightly fun too.

Look what I found in an old box from back in the 1990’s, remember those clunky things? LOL!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

4 thoughts on “Reflections on past memorial day weekends and anticipation.

  1. Holy crap about the mechanic using zip ties to fix your car and what you went through. I have to say that I had a similar problem once but I never ended up going nearly as fast. Just about forty before I realized something was wrong and was able to slowly gear the car back down using the shifter and low gears. That was really scary for me so I can’t imagine what you must have felt. I’d be terrified. Anyway, I hope that you were able to get something out of that last mechanic.

    I think I’d take the apartment inspection over that any day. I used to have one of motorola’s bag phones – how big and clunky compared to the cell phones of today.

    Hope your Memorial Day turns out way better than past ones! 🙂

  2. My husband JUST got rid of his brick phone (very first cell phones) a few months ago. It’s been in the basement for years. I’m glad to see he’s parted with it.

    Now I have to go read about your freaky accident!

    Zip ties? I hope you sued or filed charges with that mechanic!!!

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..A Day in Photos

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