Southern Illinois Produce CSA example
Farm Happenings

Southern Illinois Produce can help with Health/ Body Related Resolutions!

Are you in the 49% of Americans who resolve to diet, exercise or improve health in the coming year? If so, chances are food choices will be involved in your process. Do you feel overwhelmed at the idea of shifting eating habits? Have you considered HelloFresh or a similar meal-kit program to simplify things? Could Southern Illinois produce help you out? Keep reading to find out how!

I’ve seen lots of winter advertisements for the shipped to you meal-kit type programs. I think any produce offerings in the wintertime here in Southern Illinois seem especially tempting because nothing is growing in the garden. I simply can’t wait for that first garden-fresh tomato, salad or carrot in the wintertime.

The convenience factor of meal-kits is pretty darn amazing but it also makes me sad that those programs bypass supporting family farms like ours in Southern Illinois.

Did you know our farm’s produce CSA program accomplishes the same thing as a meal-kit program with one HUGE benefit… Unlike the common meal-kit programs, our farm’s Southern Illinois produce CSA gets you fresh, locally produced food that will nourish your body better!

It is easy to forget that nutrients and freshness degrade rapidly after food is harvested. If you plan to eat better don’t you want to enjoy the best nutrition from doing so? I know I sure do!

Eating food that has been shipped in or trucked around the country is not as nourishing as local food that has been harvested hours before it is given to you. This is where our produce CSA program can help you.

If nutrition and wellness is important to you then you have to eat more local foods.

Our Southern Illinois produce CSA program can help you achieve wellness and better health through the abundance of our harvests!

Southern Illinois Produce CSA offerings.

If you are ready to feed your body better by eating locally in Southern Illinois you’ll also enjoy these perks:

  • Foods in the peak of freshness: Our produce harvests are picked just before they are needed so they are the freshest and most nutritious for our customers.
  • To-Your-Door Convenience: Our produce harvests can be delivered right to your home.
  • Food Variety & Adventure: Eating a wide variety of produce gets you a more well rounded nutritional impact. Our Southern Illinois produce CSA is filled with produce variety and will also expose you to new things to try.
  • Food Prep & Recipe Ideas: Like meal-kit programs, we share recipes and preparation tips for the produce we provide you.

To learn more about our Southern illinois produce CSA produce & membership program. Click here.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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