A pet bunny Animals & Pets Featured Life in Evansville pregnancy

We are holding our breath because we may have found OUR house…

Hopefully I am not jinxing us here but I just wanted to spread the upbeat news. With all the crappy happenings a bit of good is always nice, even if it is a bit premature… So, we did look at a home we liked today! I mentioned it yesterday briefly (I was trying not to […]

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Life in Evansville our economy personal stories

Home buying fun in Evansville, IN- sellers are still greedy even when screwed!

Remember all the times I have talked about trying to buy a home on this blog? Well we are still living the first time home buyer saga. Over the weekend we looked at a place here that was a possible option for us, we met a Realtor that was overly eager to make her money […]

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