Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Free baby clothes explosion and some TMI pregnancy talk.

On Sunday we met a lady to pick up some free infant girl clothes that were offered up on freecycle. We have a love/ hate relationship with freecycle. Mostly because so many people are flakes about coming and picking up the stuff they claim they want. Anyway, since the budget has been so tight we […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Picture this: Talina washing laundry in the pond out back and balancing a laundry basket on her head…

… don’t worry I am just kidding around and feeling a bit cheeky right now. It’s N’s strange sense of humor influencing me again ;-P Happy Friday to all! This is a prewritten (brain dump) post as we are off at the OBGYN early this morning for the 31 week checkup and more fights about […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Just passing through to leave a quick update or On the move again!

I spent the day trying to get through my feed reader and visit as many of YOUR blogs as I can. I’ve still got lots of unread stuff and am making my way that direction soon I promise. – Yesterday we signed the paperwork and paid the down payment for our new home. We got […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Gestational diabetes screening in pregnant woman, how my situation unfolds.

I seriously debated whether or not to post my last entry because I felt it was an unresolved issue that left me open to the possibility of getting tons of “you are a crazy hippy, listen to your doctor” feedback… You guys are amazing though! I never imagined I would receive so much helpful information […]

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