Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Spring showers and forward motion, are we there yet?

It is a cool, rainy night here in Evansville and I am loving it. I spent the day doing finances, printing the way cute photos we took over the weekend for our scrapbook and I also started making the pregnancy announcements we are having done for friends and family.

All in all it’s been a productive day despite the fact that slumlady has once again failed to do what she said she would! Yep, we still have not been given the signed copy of the mutual release letter she was having her husband sign, damn hobag! We are all “whatev” at this point, we are moving out either way! N is pretty pissed off though.

Oh, did I mention that we are signing the paperwork on our new home on Sunday? We’ll have the keys and can begin the fun of moving, yay! Really we can’t wait to get the heck out of this crap hole ASAP. It will suck to leave this place without a signed agreement that legally breaks our lease but there is nothign we can do if the landlords are going to intentionally dick us around.

And for those of you wondering about the baby bunnies and Maybelle’s labor, luckily she only had the 6 babies I originally mentioned. We were worried that she would have more while we were away in Tennessee and we felt bad that the a buddy (who was pet sitting for us) would have to deal with dead bunnies while we were away. Thankfully, Maybelle had no more babies to birth and she did not scar our buddy for life. We are thankful as I am sure she is too.

On another note, I am thinking we will schedule the live webcast/ chat of the new house for April 2nd so mark your calendars, time is TBD. I’ll send out an email invite to those of you who have expressed an interest in the webcast too. It should be a fun way for us to test the waters for our “going to have tater at the farm” webcast scheduled for june. It will also be fun for those of you that are curious about our new home.

Tomorrow I get to drink my Glucola and have my blood drawn with the OBGYN. Fun times, nope! Don’t be surprised if I don’t post anything new tomorrow. If I pass out during the blood draw I am pretty sure it will leave me exhaused and usesless the rest of the day, just like last time. And since I am laying more these days, per midwife orders I find it hard to lay and operate the laptop… That means less internet for me.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Spring showers and forward motion, are we there yet?

  1. If they give you an option, go for the orange flavor. I found it the least gag worthy. Also, ask to lay down when the draw your blood. I’m a fainter when needles come at me and that’s what I have to do.

    Your landlord certainly is an interesting person. I would hope that he just lets you leave and doesn’t try to pull any legal crap against you guys. I have a feeling he knows he’s in the wrong and doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

    Good luck with everything:)

    Beckys last blog post..Hello World…I Think I’ve Missed You

  2. Becky »

    I got the orange but the bottle is huge! How am I going to down that crap in the 5 minutes they give you? I am a slow drinker! I should make a video of me trying to drink it. LOL.

  3. Becky »

    Lots of burping? What is new… I’ve never been good at chugging anything. I would sip shots in the bar, man I am screwed! Must video the funny glucola drinking! LOL

  4. When (if ever?) I get around to writing the Great American Novel, there’s bound to be a bit part for your scumlords.

    When pregnant with my first child (34 years ago) the docs wanted to do a glucose tolerance test and what they gave me to drink, I can only describe as 7-up syrup. Disgustingly sweet and thick. They gave up since I kept throwing the stuff up and never called me back for another test.

    I simply refused to take the test my next two pregnancies. Times have changed since then… but, I made have had better luck had they not been trying to give me this test when I was experiencing fairly severe morning sickness.

    Best of luck to ya!

    Donna B.s last blog post..Helmets And Closed Head Injuries

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