[youtube Q8OMijrTVBU Shutdown Day 2007- Alternative Uses for your Laptop]
While aimlessly browsing fellow blogs of interest I can across and ironic but intriguing post. Over at Running on Empty, Matty shares a challenge he has embarked upon. March 24th 2007 is official computer shutdown day. If you are interested in participating all you need to do is keep that computer off for the whole day. Can you do it?
Shutdown Day is simply a creative way to bring up computer addiction that many people suffer from. If you visit the Shutdown Day website you can pledge to log off for the day and take part in the one of the “biggest global experiments ever to take place on the Internet.” (quote taken from Shutdown Day)
Curious to see if you are a computer addict? I found a computer addiction quiz @ http://www.stresscure.com/hrn/addiction.html
Now I really need to get off the computer, I am feeling like an addict!! 😉 Have a great day!
Hi there,
Thanks for visiting my blog..I will now add yours to my sidebar. I’m female,,Matty is short for Mathilda! This is great, the more people we can get to join the better,,,,more the merrier. Now I really have to get to bed…..it’s almost 2 a.m..and I have to get up at 6 a.m……..I think I’m an addict!