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Birthday month and demon possessed kitchen electronics…

Some of you already know that March is my birthday month.

My birthday is also typically considered the first day of spring, it’s March 20th.

Sunshine over at … and the pursuit of happiness is linking to all the March bloggy birthdays over on her site and she gifted me with this nifty button to spread the word about my birthday and I thought including it in this post was the perfect way to “spread the word”.

I am not particularly excited about the coming birthday (which annoys N) but I know he is making an effort to plan something simple and enjoyable while we are down in Tennessee for our prenatal appointment that weekend.

If you feel so inclined you can buy me a nursing top from my target baby registry or a shaved ice maker for when I am in labor or something pregnancy/ mommy related, lol!

I’ve got the links to all three of our baby registries right there on my sidebar under the baby development widget (especially for you Krystal, added the furniture one ;-P). See ————->

Anyway, the chuckle worthy tidbit I wanted to share today is actually not about my birthday, it is about the crappiness of this house (big surprise huh?). Right now the wild birds are pecking away at things in the attic and it is making lots of noise but that is not the doozie. This is:

Yep, we had to move a lamp to the bathroom so we could shower and pee with some light!

The electricity is off in the bathroom, the dining room and also one plug in the kitchen. We had to flip the breaker off when the garbage disposal wouldn’t turn off this morning. *sigh*

At this point I am just laughing at every new crappy thing we are having to deal with… It is good blogging material but we just want to be done renting already, good blogging material or not!

<p>A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.<br /> Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.</p>

0 thoughts on “Birthday month and demon possessed kitchen electronics…

  1. That’s all you can do with that situation is just laugh it off. Laughter is the best medicine 🙂 Things will be get better.

  2. Happy birthday month! I love other people’s birthdays…not so much my own:)

    I hope you are able to find a decent place soon and get out of your current home. That place sounds like it should be condemned!

    Beckys last blog post..You Say Hello…..

  3. Hey Baby, Oh I love the looks of the house and the sun room with the light comming in oh you two deserve this beautiful home and what a investment. Found the shaved ice machine. I’ll get that for you. With Love. Oh that was nice for you to put our Office Open link on your site. Your so creative. Ok wanted to pop in to say Hi to you and all who reads. Love MOM

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