Animals & Pets personal stories

I am a sucky pet owner :-(

Now that N’s work schedule has changed I am dropping him off at work in the morning and we usually take our dog on the car rides with us.

Well today we got home from dropping N off at work, my hands we full of crap and I was trying to get Dixie out of the car and into the yard. The neighbor dogs were out running around the street again so I grabbed my things, closed my car door, opened Dixie’s car door, she jummped out and then I closed the car door.

Dixie yelps and then jumps on me like something has hurt her, I looked around to assess the situation, she was not stuck in the car door or anything so I petted her and got her into the yard. She was still acting frantic and strange so I brought her inside and she started licking her tail and acting like it hurt.

I noticed there was a small amount of blood coming from her tail, it was splattering things has she wagged it so I fugured I closed the very tip of her tail in the car door and that I needed to get a look at her tail to see how badly she was hurt.

Being the hyper dog that she is she should not let me look at her tail, she kept licking me and the tail and kicking me to keep me from getting to it. I knew I needed to make sure she was okay and that I needed to see the tail damage so N came home to help me distract her/ hold her down while I checked the tail out.

We ended up shaving the tail fur down so we could see better. By the time N got home the minor bleeding had stopped. turns out the car door broke the skin on her tail and cut her. The tail is not broken and has stopped bleeding completely but I feel bad anyway.

15 minutes later she is back to her normal self and enjoying her treats I gave her out of guilt for hurting her. I am a sucky pet owner today!

<p>A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.<br /> Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.</p>

7 thoughts on “I am a sucky pet owner :-(

  1. Aw, we all have days like that. And I know that guilty feeling after accidentally stepping on a cat or two as they did figure 8’s around my legs. Even when it’s their own fault, I feel guilty. Fortunately, I’m surprisingly graceful so it has only happened a couple of times in my many years. But boooy when it happens the guilt is heavy and cats can give you the dirtiest looks! LOL

    teeni’s last blog post..The Entertainment Meme

  2. I bet Dixie didn’t even think that it was you that shut the door on her tail… I am absolutely sure that she knows that you love her to pieces and I know that she loves you, too! You are NOT a sucky pet owner at all!! You are a very loving pet owner. There should be more people like you!! 🙂

    April’s last blog post..In Celebration of a Great Dad

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