Arizona to Indiana Road Trip Featured Moving out of state personal stories

7 days to go and we have news!

Our going away party was yesterday as most of you know. Our crazy week of working the week before pretty much left us unprepared for the going away party. Our house was just trashed. So we spent much of yesterday morning straightening and cleaning in preparation for the party.

N insisted that we go for a nice drive before the party started, you know one last calm time together before the chaos of it all. So we head up the San Francisco peaks, N said it was his favorite drive and it is very pretty. So we are driving along and enjoying the scenery. When we get to the lodge we see that the ski lift is running. We have never skied or been on the ski lift so we get tickets and embark on the ride up to the top of the mountain forΒ  one last look at flagstaff before we move away.

He brought the camera and tripod so we could get some photos of the amazing view from the top of the mountain. We posed for a few photos with the view behind the two of us then he says “lets take on last photo”. He sets the camera timer, comes around to pose for the photo and gets down on one knee…

Engagement photos

He proposed right there on the mountain and said

“I’ve viewed this mountain, the highest peak in Arizona, as a symbol of our relationship together.Β  Over the last six years together, we’ve climbed the highest and achieved the most here in our home state together.Β  There’s many more peaks out there for us to explore and I want to continue doing it together.Β  Talina, will you marry me?”

Now it is time for us to really to move on to the next phase in life with an engagement and a new beginning. The ring is beautiful and the moment was so thoughtful and special. I got to proudly wear my ring at our going away party and share the news with our pals. It was a very special day for us.

Now we are getting a handle on the fact that we are moving in 7 days. We need to get busy now but we just wanted to share the news with everyone. We are engaged!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “7 days to go and we have news!

  1. Awww, this had me in happy tears for you!!! What a wonderful, wonderful proposal!!! What a wonderful, wonderful scenic view to remember such a romantic occasion! Kudos, to N! Congratulations to you both! Oh, I’m so excited! **does a little happy dance** πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. Yeah!! N!! You ARE! da MAN! You are a beautiful couple and you have accomplished much together… I see so many many more good things for you as a couple! I am glad that you are so happy with your ring! I wish you both much happiness, T!

  3. Oh my gosh! I have happy tears for the two of you!! What a great way to be proposed to! Congrats to the two of you. Sending you happy thoughts and hugs:)

    Beckys last blog post..A Quickie

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