Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

It's begining to look like Christmas! (but where is the snow?)

We are finishing up the holiday shopping this week and are ready for Christmas now! Things are pretty low key for us since it is just the two of us this holiday season. We aren’t visiting the family for the holidays and we are kind of looking forward to having a low key holiday. Since it is our last holiday alone before we are officially parents it is kind of fitting.

N has a scheduled “sick day” tomorrow so we are going to brave some of the stores to finish up some last minute shopping. We also may be going to a show tomorrow night if he can snag some tickets. It is the touring production of Ain’t Misbehavin’.

The basement is flooding again a a result of the pouring rain we have had since last night. Oh and our landlords still haven’t picked up or responded to our certified letter that we sent detailing our concersn with the flooding and possible mold in the basement.

Do you eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts? If so you might want to go snag a dozen doughnuts this week. We went over the weekend and were given 12 free gift tags/ doughnut coupons that were pretty cool. Each gift tag is festive and each one is good for a free doughnut in January. I think this is a great stocking stuffer for kids, they always love doughnuts right?

I have noticed another weird pregnancy symptom these days. I have been “double sneezing” lots lately and it is the strangest thing. I have NEVER double sneezed before in my life so it is either because I am pregnant or it is because of the toxic mold growing in our basement. Odd huh?

I am counting down the days till I am at my 2nd trimester because my hair is looking mighty nasty these days. They silver hairs are really showing and my doctor says I can resume dyeing my hair in the 2nd trimester, by does my hair need it!

Well, I’ll let you know what my weight is like after the prenatal appointment on Thursday that way you can go and submit your entry to my baby weight contest, also if you want to see who has entered you should check out the contest page. Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy! Now I am of to make the blog rounds since I have been slacking big time!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “It's begining to look like Christmas! (but where is the snow?)

  1. Have fun shopping! I can’t believe how many people are having rain right now. We got over a foot of snow overnight and the roads were wicked trying to get to work! Good luck with the tickets and I hope you’re able to go to the show:)

    Beckys last blog post..9 Layers of Lovely Goodness

  2. Oh how I wish there was a Krispy Kreme here. When pregnant I went nearly every Tuesday (they had buy 1 dozen get 1 free). It was my excuse to buy a ton and share them at work…while sneaking in a few for myself 🙂

    So sorry to hear about the basement again. I hope the landlords get their act together soon.

    Momisodess last blog post..OMG…It Spoke!

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