Animals & Pets personal stories

Updates on our mating finches, websites and more…

A while back I posted about how our finches were trying to hatch the eggs they laid my female finch (the hen) started laying eggs about three weeks ago and the incubation period for those eggs is up at the end of this week. Sadly I discovered that they rolled two of the three eggs out of the nest, the eggs cracked and they ate the yolks (the eggs weren’t developed). I found the partially eaten egg shells in the bottom tray of the cage.

However, their is still one egg in the nest that looks as though it has developed and we are expecting it to hatch this week. You can see darkness through the egg shell! I visually check the nest each day to see the progress of the finches. Yesterday I peeked into the nest and saw that more eggs had been laid! Today she laid another egg so now we are back to 3 eggs in the nest! One should hatch this week and the other two have from 2-3 weeks before they will hatch.

I am also working on another clients website this week, I am building a simple e commerce site for her. I am moving my own blog to a separate domain this week. Oh, we are expected to get our first snow for this winter (flagstaff, az 2007) over the thanksgiving holiday.. It’s been a warm and dry winter so far. We were expected to get snow earlier in the month but it only sprinkled instead. This time we have a 10% chance over 3 days, please let it snow!


Think snow for us okay? Nathan even went out and chopped some firewood this morning with his free fire wood permit, We are so ready for snow! So, what has everyone else been up to? Are you ready for thanksgiving? Nathan and I are having differing opinions about what the best thanksgiving dessert is… What will you be having for dessert on thanksgiving?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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