book review

Loose weight naturally without starving yourself! A book review

If you want to lose weight ditch the “quick fix” diets! Removing food groups or certain nutrients is not the way to loose pounds! You only experience results with these diet schemes because your body is shocked by your new eating patterns. Over time your body will adjust to your plan and your “quick fix” diet may even make your weight loss harder in the end!

Weight loss is partly about eating right & exercise but it is also about your body’s metabolism so in order to effectively loose pounds you need a solution that addresses your lifestyle/ habits and your body’s chemistry.

I just read a book that outlines a natural way to loose weight; it’s called The Ultimate Tea Diet by Mark “Dr. Tea” Ukra. No, you won’t loose weight by just drinking tea, this book is not about a tea fast or any other “quick fix” someone came up with. The book shares with you the ways tea can help boost your metabolism, improve your health and much more.

You will need to gradually alter your lifestyle & eating habits so that you are enjoying a balanced diet and you will need to stay active. Basically the book outlines how you can alter your choices and actions to become healthier in your eating and exercise. When you are healthier your body will be able to benefit from the herbs and antioxidants found in tea that have been proven to increase metabolism and improve your overall health.

So, if you are looking to loose some pounds or just become healthier consider taking the “tea challenge”, get the book and commit to following it. You will be amazed at the results!



A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

2 thoughts on “Loose weight naturally without starving yourself! A book review

  1. Not wanting to piddle on your book review, but there is a show coming on in March that claims it can make you thin through your tv. I’m confessing I’m intrigued to see what the angle is.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Duh

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