
Abandoned baby birds….

Last night after coming home from work at midnight I discover Nathan and two baby birds sitting outside the front door. The two babies weren’t flying and Nathan wasn’t sure what to do with them so he sat outside reading a magazine and awaiting my arrival so he could ask me what I think.

When I got home we decided to get them off the sidewalk area so we moved them to out patio where they wouldn’t get stepped on. We had assumed they were babies from the nest that is on our patio.

We let them sit on a blanket outside all night, we didn’t want to try and bring them inside to raise them, we knew they once had the ability to fly since they were out of the nest and that they would probably just go back home once the rested.

This morning the birds had moved off the blanket and were scattered about the patio. One was dead and the other was stuck. The one that died had not visible signs of trauma so were not sure what happened. I have a feeling they are hungry and unfortunately I have no way to feed them.

I read on the internet that moist cat food can be fed to them but the poor little guy wont open his mouth.. He does chirp and call out when he hears other birds though.

I refilled the bird feeder to attract all the neighborhood birds and the little bird is sitting outside on the blanket in the shade right under the feeder. I am hoping he will find his family when the other birds come to feed at our feeder….

Does anybody have any suggestions about feeding birds?? I am afraid he is abandoned..


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.


4 thoughts on “Abandoned baby birds….

  1. I’m bummed out that neither one of them made it. I was at least hopeful when he started calling out to the other birds. They were probably just hungry and really stressed out from being away from their parents 🙁

  2. A friend brought over two tiny birds 15 minutes ago. Eyes closed, tail and wing feathers only. I think starlings. Heat lamp, sugar water bread and egg yolks. Any ideas?

  3. I have a dove thriving after three weeks. Neighbors cat had him in his mouth. No damage to the baby bird how ever. A syringe helps the feeding. I’m diabetic so had a supply. Tear small pieces of bread with water or skim milk. If bird is seed eater grind up dried rice,bird seed and add to bread and milk. I have a garden but you can buy spinach or any greens and chop fine, puree cooked vegies and applesauce. Cooked apples. If bird eats bugs….grind up crickets from pet store and puree greens and water. Pieces of worms they love. If bird doesn’t open mouth place it on a flat surface and gently open the beak. Place small amounts down the hatch and use syringe to poke down very gently. Make sure all pureed seeds and veggies are warm but not hot. Water is important. If no syringe melt a plastic spoon and quickly bend into a V shape. This will help you feeding the bird. Don’t over feed or crop can sour and you will need a vet to emty the crop. Have bird seed and water in cage so bird can learn to fend for himself. New Baby birds should be feed every three hours during the day and nothing O.K. at night. By four weeks they just want to flap wings and are not interested in food. Feed every 4 to five hours.Let them practice flying outside every day. By six weeks they should be ready to fly off. Good luck! It is pretty much hopless because any baby bird raised by people will never learn the song parents sing and they won’t be fearful. I would be a miricle if they make it.I have raised a Baltimore Oriole,Robin that came back the next summer so some will make it.

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