Animals & Pets get involved personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Cuteness Carnival for you!

It’s witchypoo’s fault, she posted the cutest photo of a kitten today, I went to get a cup of coffee and found my own gato, Jack posing in all his cuteness and just had to share! It was about 57 degrees int he house when I took this photo, do you think he was cold?


Then I started to recall other cute animal photos I have viewed from all my blogging buddies. Veronica also posted some adorable kitten photos that I loved! One of Veronica’s commenters, Kim posted a priceless photo of a pouting child and I found a great photo of baby brotherly love over at My Little DrummerBoys.

If you are looking for a laugh check out what good old fridge magnets can spell, pretty much sums up my entire week.. LOL!

So, yeah… spent the majority of the night networking, commenting and trying to improve my blog traffic then I thought that since I was needling some blog luv it would be best to give some blog luv away… In order to recieve you must give right?

Oh well, anyway just thought that the abundance of cuteness should be compiled and shared with you all.. If you have a cute item to contribute add it to the comments please, we can all use some cuteness every now and then!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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