Just 10 short weeks ago I was literally living in bed. Recovering from childbirth and around the clock newborn care left little time for regular person stuff like showering, getting dressed for the day and cooking.
I was crying at the drop of a hat (for no particular reason) and I was sure I (as a person) was gone now that the baby had arrived. I particularly remember crying and feeling like the world was ending the first day N went back to work and left Everly and I alone for the day.
Many told me that things would get back to normal following Everly’s birth and I didn’t believe them. I thought for sure I would forever be a sleep deprived, tunnel visioned shell of a person who was just living to fulfill the needs of their child. I imagined my own interests, needs and routines were forever killed now that I had a child to care for.
I am pleased to discover that this is not the case! Sure I am still fulfilling needs and often deprived of sleep but remarkably it all seems normal and perfectly manageable now that she’s 10 weeks old. We’ve adapted and are now fulfilling her needs in addition to carrying on our day to day activities. 10 weeks ago I just could not believe this was possible!
We’ve learned almost all her signals and are doing okay at keeping her happy most of the time. She’s sleeping fine, only wakes about twice a night for feedings and does easily go back to sleep.
I’ve also gone back to work with Everly in tow and she is a trooper! She actually prefers loud sounds to soft ones and we discovered that she likes instrumental music, so hearing the marching band play is perfect for her.
She also enjoys classical tunes so we’ve been playing it at the house. I am also singing scales to her during play time and she trys her darnedest to intimidate me. She’s shreaking with excitement and practicing her sound making skills now too.
We are still cloth diapering and breastfeeding her with great success. She’s also getting the occasional bottle from daddy here and there so she’ll be able to be cared for by someone other than me when needed.
Her daytime naps are still a slight challenge, she’ll often refuse to sleep when she clearly needs to. This can create some fussy days and nights when she is allowed to become overtired.
All in all I am happy to report that things do go back to normal eventually following the arrival or a baby. All the advice and supportive words were right, it was just hard to see that far ahead while in the thick of it.
Things are so well adjusted that we even had time to perform makeovers on BOTH our blogs in under a week. Did you check out N’s new blog look and what do you think of the new look here?
Still a slow load for the individual posts, but looking good!
.-= witchypoo´s last blog ..Grace the Fourteenth =-.
Should we all say “told ya so!” now?
I like the new look and am thinking I should save up to hire you to do something to my blog! This is quite amazing.
.-= Donna B.´s last blog ..Call Me A Conservative Curmudgeon =-.
Wow! I love the new site! Lots of things to keep me busy!
T, you’re doing a great job at becoming a mom! It’s never easy work, but it is most defiantly the most rewarding!!
.-= Krystal McCarthy´s last blog ..Cry Me a River =-.
Looks VERY good… and complicated! LOL But the pages loaded fine.
.-= maiden53´s last blog ..Cowgirl Creed =-.
The site looks great! I’m so happy that the 3 of you are finally settling into a routine and are getting used to being a family. Seth is 4 1/2 and we are still struggling with bedtime issues. He needs sleep, I need sleep, but he has other ideas!
.-= Becky´s last blog ..End of an Era =-.
You sound like you’re doing a lot better than I was at 10 weeks! Hope things continue to go smoothly (but it’s perfectly normal to have some bumps). Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl.
.-= Deb´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Time machine =-.
I knew you would be able to get things under control. First time motherhood can be overwhelming at first, but we learn to cope pretty quick. She is still the most adorable baby girl, ever (well, except for my own when they were babies). The blog looks great!
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Remember Whensday =-.