Featured personal stories

First time parent shock and adjustment (it really does get easier)

Just 10 short weeks ago I was literally living in bed. Recovering from childbirth and around the clock newborn care left little time for regular person stuff like showering, getting dressed for the day and cooking. I was crying at the drop of a hat (for no particular reason) and I was sure I (as […]

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do it more naturally Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

Everly's first visit with a doctor, an integrated medicine physician.

Everly had her first doctors appointment this week, her 2 month checkup. We saw an integrated medicine physician who seems to be right up our alley in her care philosophy. She’s not pushy about vaccinations and didn’t freak out when we mentioned E was a homebirth baby. Integrated medicine is a mix between alternative medicine […]

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Animals & Pets cloth diapering funny posts parenting personal stories

Cat piss has fried my brain and I can't come up with a title for this crappy post.

I wrote this post on Wednesday and thought it was published… Somehow it never did actually publish till today. Blogging fail! Man, it’s been a stormy last few days. Yesterday evening while on the way to pick N up from work it freaking dumped on us big time! I threw a blanket over Everly’s head […]

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breastfeeding parenting personal stories

Winding down: First 2 weeks of parenting comes to a close.

This weekend has been somewhat enjoyable. Having N home to take some of the pressure off me is nice. Everly seems to be doing better this weekend with her fussiness too. We’ve been doing much experimenting with my diet and other causes of her fussiness and gas. The first thing I did was take dairy […]

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Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

Everly is 1 week old today, last night was a doozie!

Everly has a “witching hour” It is from about midnight to 3am, interestingly enough that was the time of transition and trauma in her life. She was born at 1:16am remember? Anyway, there have only been like 3 nights over the course of the week where she’s been a handful during her witching hour… Last […]

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