Animals & Pets cloth diapering funny posts parenting personal stories

Cat piss has fried my brain and I can't come up with a title for this crappy post.

I wrote this post on Wednesday and thought it was published… Somehow it never did actually publish till today. Blogging fail! Man, it’s been a stormy last few days. Yesterday evening while on the way to pick N up from work it freaking dumped on us big time! I threw a blanket over Everly’s head […]

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cloth diapering parenting personal stories

Cloth poop catcher fun rocks! A cloth diaper post.

Yesterday I got some “fluffy mail” (in the cloth diapering world this mean a diaper related mail delivery). I ordered a few more cloth diapers and some much needed diaper safe laundry detergent so I could begin using my cloth diapers. We are working on our last pack of gifted disposable diapers and don’t intend […]

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cloth diapering parenting personal stories pregnancy

Keeping busy while resting AND gathering some stuff for Tater…

Some of you might remember how I began a baby stuff contest entering spree back in March. I started it to feel like I was doing something productive in preparing for Tater’s arrival and it has helped me not go crazy. Now It’s been a few months since that began. I’ve been checking twitter regularly […]

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