Featured Life in Evansville pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Less-words Wednesday: Pregnancy Home Stretch Edition

There are only two more days until I leave you all and head off to wait on my little girls arrival. I am totally feeling ready for this and am very anxious for labor to begin. Saw the chiropractor yesterday and was all out of whack again. Even more so now that Tater’s bones are […]

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Animals & Pets Life in Evansville living simply personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Wordless wednesday- things we do without…

Right now it seems there are more products I love and can’t find to buy these days than ever before. Since leaving Arizona we’ve found ourselves unable to find so many items we’ve become attached to. Please send groceries! We’ve been looking at the local pet stores like crazy for this litter. It is amazing […]

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domestic disasters Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Bubbling with anticipation and watching the world blow by…

Tomorrow is our big ultrasound appointment and we are excited about it. We are dying to know if Tater Tot is a boy or girl and we know you are itching to know too… Also, we called a local lender today and are waiting to hear if we are pre approved for a mortgage. We […]

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Arizona to Indiana Road Trip Job Searching Life in Evansville Moving out of state personal growth personal stories pregnancy wedding planning Wordless Wednesday

Remember when…

Remember when I outlined all N’s job uncertainty in this post back on May 2008? Back then we still had no idea where his job search would take us and we were pretty worried that we would end up stuck with the status quo if no better offers came along. We were barely making end […]

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old-fashioned know how/ do it yourself remedies personal stories pictures say 1000 words Recipes Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday & Wilted Asparagus Tip.

Got Wilted Asparagus? If you buy fresh asparagus you have probably experienced asparagus wilt after the bunch has been in the fridge for a while. You know it gets all droopy, soft and looks like it needs to be tossed out… I was surprised to learn how many people don’t know that the limp asparagus […]

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entertainment reviews personal stories pictures say 1000 words Wordless Wednesday

Our weekend trip to Grand Falls, Northern Arizona

On Saturday N and I headed out to Grand Falls to see the famous “chocolate falls” on the reservation. It is a little known wonder that is very cool! How many waterfalls have you seen in Arizona? They do exist and this is just one of them! It was an overcast day with beautiful snow […]

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Animals & Pets personal stories pictures say 1000 words Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday- Vote for Andrew our kitty!

I am contest crazy! I entered this pet contest over at Bissell to win a pet hair eraser vacuum. You can view my kitty and vote by clicking here. Happy Wednesday! —— Oh, while I am shamelessly promoting my contests I should remind you that in 2 days the voting for my cooking chicken video […]

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