I was recommended another great site on stumbleupon.com today! Those of you who went to high school with me already know about my cow obsessions, for everyone else.. I am obsessed with cows!!
The site www.cowsunite.org is cute, funny and it promotes organic milk. I checked the site out for the entertainment but ended up signing up. I got a free coupon and invited my friends to join so we could help encourage the organic movement.
I was also reading another blog (running on empty) and decided to participate in making afghans for cancer. All you have to do is make granny squares and send them to Shelly with a signed note. These squares will be joined and will be donated to a camp that supports kids who have cancer.. It’s super easy to crochet or knit a few squares and it’s nice to do something for others so think about it!! I am already done with my first square!
I meant to swoop in the other day and tell you thank you for posting. You know how you get sidetracked? I did! Sorry. But, I really do appreciate your help. This project is “taking off” with the help of kind-hearted people like you!