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My brain is mush, la, la, la (might be the HGC huh?)

My mind is in another place right now and has been for several days. I dropped a hint in the last post that nobody picked up on. Days like this just aren’t conducive to being focused and serious in blogging so I am just going to put it all out there and quit trying to pretend like it’s not on my mind. We have called our parents so now we can tell the whole blogosphere! You can click the images to enlarge them.

That is the 3rd pregnancy test I’ve taken. I have been feeling woozy. I am not sleeping through the nights, I am peeing a ton, have been dizzy and super achy in my lower back. I have been keeping a journal of my thoughts each day we tested. Looks like we’re having a baby.

Pregnant? Oct 9th 2008

N and I were discussing my monthly fertility chart yesterday. We use the TCOYF method of natural family planning. It is recommended that both partners take part in the process so N participates by recording my temperature data on the chart every morning. I am in charge of interpreting the chart and then we both make mental note of my fertile days.

Anyway we were discussing my fertility for the month yesterday, N was asking when we should try to “make a baby” so we grabbed the chart and started analyzing. We realized our chance of already being pregnant was good.

I have been feeling fatigued, have been having sleep irregularities, am feeling achy, crampy and have even been feeling nauseous. Today will be 8 DPO so that means I just have to wait 6 more days to know if I am pregnant or not.

Here is the next entry:

October 12th 2008

I took a second pregnancy test, it looked like it had a very faint pink line. The first pregnancy test was very obviously negative, it has a evaporation line but had no color. The second one totally has a faint pink line. Seriously, it is super faint though. Here is a photo:

N and I even had an argument about whether or not it was a pink line, he claims he can’t see the line. According to my chart I ovulated 10/1 so that means I am now 13 DPO.

I have been feeling tired and achy still. In a few days we’ll know for sure if we are pregnant or not. If we are that means that I’ll be having a baby 3 weeks before our projected wedding date.

Now that gets us to today, October 14th 2008 and we have unmistakable double pink line action now. Too bad I don’t have insurance, oh and what are we going to do about the planned wedding and the dress I just bought? Do you think I’ll be able to get married 3 weeks after having a baby? I guess at least I’ll have nice plump boobs.


Oh, and Hailey actually pooed today! It was very little and it was super dry but at least she did it. Now we just have to fix her diet so she stops having pooing issues.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.


0 thoughts on “My brain is mush, la, la, la (might be the HGC huh?)

  1. You know, I did pick up on that “late” reference but I did not know if you really wanted to be preggers or not, so i didn’t say anything about it.

    So, congratulations to you and N. You are in for the experience of your life!

    Karens last blog post..Project 365 Day 8

  2. Looks like a baby is in the future for the two of you!!! Cograts!
    Lets go to Vegas and get hitched!!!
    Love you guys!

  3. @Krystal McCarthy: We might have to get married here on paper just to get immediate insurance. We’ll still have our wedding with you all in Arizona, it just may be a year later. Who knows I might feel crazy enough to keep the wedding on 7/11/09. The baby should be due about 6/22-ish that gives me a few weeks to be a momma before I get hitched…
    I am crazy, I know! We’ll see how N and I feel about it.

  4. Congratulations! I got the little hint, thus my question about when the wedding was to be.

    I’m laughing my head off at the cat poo update. You think you’re interested in poo now? Just wait a while (about 8 1/2 months, I’d say) and you’ll be analyzing poo; keeping charts about its frequency, consistency, and color!

    Donna B.s last blog post..Genealogy Is Tedious And Addictive

  5. @maiden53: Not yet but we’re going to go this weekend or next week. They just do a urine test at planned parenthood ๐Ÿ™
    I was hoping for a blood test.

  6. omg!!! congrats. I’m so excited for you guys. Let me know what the doc says and how far along you are. My lil man will be 2 months on Oct 18th. he’s such a blessing. parenthood is such a great thing.

  7. Congrats!! I also picked up on the hint, but chose to let it slide. It always happens when you least expect it…my son is living proof of that. I have a feeling that you will be one of those pregnant women who has a soccer ball belly and loses the weight on post-partum day 2. I bet you will fit that wedding dress with no problem….the under eye circles will be a whole different story:)


    Beckys last blog post..A Highlight

  8. You know, I thought you worded that oddly but I didn’t want to say anything because I know you really wanted to get pregnant and I figured that if you really knew you were that you’d be shouting it from the rooftops. LOL. Uh-oh. It figures after you find your dress and all. Ah, Talina. Lots of good things coming at you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Being pregnant is awesome but getting pregnant right after buying your tiny wedding dress and being due 3 weeks before your wedding date is our odd luck. The initial thoughts were: Really? Freaking perfect for our luck! Then we were all, could it be? Then the excitement and relief came. We have been trying for awhile and now we got what we wanted, just not when we wanted it. But it never works out that way does it?

  10. OMGoodness!!! Talina! That’s amazing women! can’t wait to here final result’s either way what’s ur adress so I can send u alil card for the holidays n stuff.

  11. Wait!?!?! U R pregnant for sure??? I just read on….

    Well..I am so happy for u. I just had a flashback, i remember when u said you weren’t likely to get pregnant…omgoodness! Ur gona have lil talina’s!! Still what’s ur address so i can send u a wedding gift too?

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