Today two students from the high school I teach at were killed in a tradgic car accident. One of them was a member of the marching band that I work with.
Death is always difficult to deal with and it is always so much harder when young people are involved. I had my first brush with death and tragedy when I was in 6th grade, a classmate of mine was killed in by a semi truck while riding his bike. Since then I have lost several other classmates, students and teachers.
Each time I loose somebody it reminds me of how fleeting life is. Everyday that we have here on this earth is a gift and we don’t know how long we have here.
Each time I lost a classmate I would automatically think about the last time I saw/ talked to them. Then I would think of what I would have done different if I would have known it was the last time I would ever see him/ her alive. These thoughts are normal and they deliver a very powerful message:
Live as if every breath will be your last.
Live as if you or the people around you could die at any moment.
Live without regret, tell people you love them and value them now because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Rest in peace Michael Darding and Crystal Cantrell.