Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Only 2 weeks until the third trimester, man time flies!

Today I am off enjoying my birthday weekend, actually my birthday was yesterday but N was working so we didn’t celebrate. We are off doing just that right now!

I thought I would leave you with some fun 25 weeks pregnant belly shots in my absence. As you are reading this I am actually in my 26th week of pregnancy, these photos are from last week. The 27th week of pregnancy will be the last in the 2nd trimester according to my What to Expect When You’re Expecting book. Wow!

Anyway, here is the front view of my belly taken March 12th 2009, sorry about the dirty mirror. I didn’t think to clean it before snapping the photos.

Now the front view really doesn’t do the belly justice so I also shot it from the side so you can better see how much it sticks out there these days. This one was also taken March 12th 2009.

N shot this one the morning of St Patrick’s Day while I was having some juice and just waking up for the day. Tater was moving all around like she normally does when I wake up in the mornings. I was watching my belly bop all around. You can even see the hand print on my belly from sleeping with my hand on it. Ha, too funny.

This next one was shot as a suggestion made in one of N’s Daddy to be books called The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-Be, Second Edition. Now, don’t be put off, this one is kind of weird and funny (and check out how my hair makes it look like I have horns, lol!).

It is a view of my belly from on the floor, looking up between my legs. Nice huh? It does give some perspective to just how much the belly sticks out there. His book says that by the end of the pregnancy my face wont even be visible over the bump. That means my belly will double in size between now and then. Oh dear!

We still can’t quite believe how fast the pregnancy has gone. Shoot I’ll be in the third trimester in no time! It is super exciting that we’ll meet our little girl soon, I am not nervous about labor at all or about when Tater is here. I feel like all that is just going to come naturally and be instinct, plus I have The Farm Midwives to guide me.

I am a bit freaked out when I think of how much we still have to take care of before she comes. I mean theoretically she could come at any point between now and June/ July, not that we are hoping for a premature delivery or anything. The point is we should be prepared because it does happen right?

Well, we still haven’t finished putting the homebirth supply kit together that we’ll be taking with us to The Farm and we still need much of the new baby basics… Like some newborn clothes for Tater to wear once she arrives, the car seat, the bassinet/ crib, the cloth diapers and so on.

Basically I am feeling we aren’t totally prepared and I like to be ready for stuff way in advance, not waiting till the last moment. Problem is finances are NOT set for massive spending right now. I mean we have to get the hefty down payment made on the new place come April 1st plus we owe rent on the old place too- so that is double rent we are paying in April.

In May and June all our extra cash is going to pay for our delivery at The Farm. We’ve saved a few grand already but we still need 2 more before that is all paid for and done. Once the house down payment is done and the delivery is saved for we’ll have some money here and there to get what we need for Tater but that is way to last minute for me.

Not much we can do to change that though, so I am just working to focus on the exciting/ yay stuff so I don’t get all anxious and crazy about the rest. LOL. Hope you all are having a great weekend! It is the first weekend of spring, have a picnic and enjoy the outdoors or something.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

10 thoughts on “Only 2 weeks until the third trimester, man time flies!

  1. Beautiful belly shots! Spring is a great time to be pregnant – you’re right in sync with the season, nourishing what’s to be a beautiful flower.

  2. Happy Birthday! Those belly shots are so frickin cute. I remember in one of your recent posts that you said you have to buy an exercise ball for the birth? What’s that about? I was at the gym today doing crunches on one, and I started thinking, “That’s a long way for a baby to fall…” 🙂 I just was wondering about the logistics of it.

    Megans last blog post..I feel sad.

  3. Megan »

    Well when you lay your chest on the ball while on your knees your back is horizontal to the ground which helps to alleviate pressure on the spine and all that during labor if necessary. Also being in that position (basically on all 4’s) can help if baby’s shoulders get stuck while coming out. Other women also like the way it feels to sit on the ball/ put the ball in the small of their back during contractions. Don’t worry the miswives (or N) will catch the baby so she doesn’t fall! ;-P

  4. Hey! Has anyone told you that you look pregnant? LOL. You finally DO! What a cute belly you have and I imagine the contents inside are even cuter! 🙂 I love the one with you looking down at the camera – I haven’t seen that one done before. Leave it to you!

    teenis last blog post..Just Passing Through…

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