do it more naturally Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

Everly's first visit with a doctor, an integrated medicine physician.

Everly had her first doctors appointment this week, her 2 month checkup. We saw an integrated medicine physician who seems to be right up our alley in her care philosophy. She’s not pushy about vaccinations and didn’t freak out when we mentioned E was a homebirth baby. Integrated medicine is a mix between alternative medicine […]

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breastfeeding domestic disasters funny posts parenting personal stories

A mothers dilemma: Keep sleeping or wash off the sour milk?

I know this is just one of the many dilemmas I’ll have to face as a parent. This one is significant because it’s the first one, you know a milestone. So humor me okay? Babies vomit. Mine in particular loves to be at the breast 24/7 which inevitably leads to overeating, which in turn results […]

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breastfeeding parenting personal stories

Winding down: First 2 weeks of parenting comes to a close.

This weekend has been somewhat enjoyable. Having N home to take some of the pressure off me is nice. Everly seems to be doing better this weekend with her fussiness too. We’ve been doing much experimenting with my diet and other causes of her fussiness and gas. The first thing I did was take dairy […]

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breastfeeding Life in Evansville personal stories

Our breastfeeding journey so far… A first time mom learns the ropes.

Immediately following birth Everly and I laid skin to skin for about 20 min. The skin to skin contact is said to improve breastfeeding outcome and facilitate bonding between mother and child. While we waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating and the placenta to deliver Everly and I just laid there in all […]

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Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

Everly is 1 week old today, last night was a doozie!

Everly has a “witching hour” It is from about midnight to 3am, interestingly enough that was the time of transition and trauma in her life. She was born at 1:16am remember? Anyway, there have only been like 3 nights over the course of the week where she’s been a handful during her witching hour… Last […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival Featured home birth advocacy personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

Everly is now 5 days old: A look back on the birth experience.

The last week has been a whirlwind! Everly Charlotte was born on June 23rd 2009 at 1:16am. She weighed 8lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long, her head measured 34 1/2 cm. She was way bigger than we expected her to be but as you’ll see by the photos she is darn good and healthy! […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Free baby clothes explosion and some TMI pregnancy talk.

On Sunday we met a lady to pick up some free infant girl clothes that were offered up on freecycle. We have a love/ hate relationship with freecycle. Mostly because so many people are flakes about coming and picking up the stuff they claim they want. Anyway, since the budget has been so tight we […]

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